Yea, got my guitar today, a Washburn WG228 electric guitar, plays well on the clean and distorts. On the technical side, it spots a humbucker/single coil/humbucker (H/S/H) setup, Floyd-Rose tremlo with locking system and a well finished fretboard and polished greenish-black body throughout. Very worth it for the price range. I settled for an ibanez practice amp and a HoM bag which came as a package, everything setting me back by about $450. And da music store (Swee Lee) was rather much more crowded than usual, partly because they are having a year end sale at the moment. The guy who served me was rather on and kind, quite good service I say.Ok time for more practice on this guitar before I can get up and making music again.
Rock time!
Currently Listening: Jamiroquai – Virtual Insanity (3:45)
hey do u still play your wg228? i just bought mine a month ago, and im just searching info bout this guitar so i ended up on your blog. there’s not much info to find. i see you posted on 2003. hahah 5 years have past. i just want to know if your guitar still works.

Hi jologs, yea my guitar still works, only the strings that came with it won’t last quite long. Got them changed hardly after 1/2 year of playing. Now most of the time my guitar is left in the storage, had not got much time to play with it now.
The washburn is a descent affordable guitar, though it won’t be up there in the fenders and gibs, it’s still a rather well made one which lasts till now, that is if you take care of it!