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HomeTravelEuropeExploring and driving up Mount Teide Volcano

Exploring and driving up Mount Teide Volcano

Mount Teide is a volcano on Tenerife in the Canary Islands, Spain. Its summit is the highest Mountain in Spain, and the highest point above sea level in the islands of the Atlantic.

Volcano Mount Teide in all its glory
Volcano Mount Teide in all its glory.

A geo-marvel of a volcano

You could tell from the central location of the volcano that this canary islands is formed from an underwater fissure in the Atlantic ocean, where an eruption and growing rock from the ocean bed gave birth to the island we are on and the neighbouring islands for that matter. Which also means that Tenerife’s Teide is somewhat a dormant volcano.

Driving towards the Mountain pass
Driving towards the Mountain pass.

In addition, Mount Teide had its last eruption on 18 November 1909, though an eruption could be due soon. Hence, looking at the country map, much of the land mass around the volcano are largely devoid of any human settlements. Here, towns and cities safety located on the outskirts by the seaside away from the lava flows in the event of an eruption.

The cable car ride up the Mount Teide. It is included in the entrance fee
The cable car ride up the Mount Teide. It is included in the entrance fee.

Mountain drive up

Furthermore, the mountain drive up and down comprises of nice winding roads which are literally devoid of cars. Let be the occasional tour bus or private car prying the long straights.

Great winding roads
Great winding roads.

Also, there are two roads serving the mountain, one which is a scenic route through a forested ridgeline from the north and the south is a more direct route. Driving both routes on your entry and exit does add more variety to the sights on your drive, which could be pretty long at times.

Welcome to Tiede
Barren lands

Moreover, a drive up can take from 2-3 hours, and depending if you stop often at the various viewing spots along your way.

Rock formations on the drive up, typical of past Volcanic activity
Rock formations on the drive up, typical of past Volcanic activity.

Moreover, still there are many scenic mountain sights you can use as break points. Also, you get green forested areas up on the volcano fertile mountain slopes which the roads up and down winds along with a series of hairpin turns.

Long driving straightsLong driving straights towards Mount Teide at the island central
Long driving straights towards Mount Teide at the island central.

Also, the open road straights are largely vast and open, with just a single two lane, two way road running into a horizon with mountains on either sight. It is a vast impressive sight only in large countries.

Great driving roads
Viewing points
Nice mountain roads

The drive to the mountain offers a mix of long straights and windy mountain roads Also, Teide, being the tallest feature on the island is unmistakable. You constantly see it in the distance on your drive. Through several evergreen trees which has tad of a sub-tropical feel.

On the Volcano

A far path on the slopes of Mount Teide
A far path on the slopes of Mount Teide.

Moreover, Standing at an elevation of 3.7 kilometers above sea level. Mount Teide is the third highest volcanic structure and most voluminous in the world, after Volcanos Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa in Hawaii, which are also formed as oceanic volcanoes.

The Cable car station serving a jump up the mountain
The Cable car station serving a jump up the mountain.

A lone cable car station serves the bottom visitor center area to the crater top of the natural attraction. The ropeway has tad of a ski resort feel with similar cable cars, which brings you to the top sectors of the volcano. Notably, the first ascent up the volcano was in 1582.

Up and away!
Cable car station
Station above

Additionally, the landscape up here is also typical of that of a volcanic active region. However, you do not see much of typical active volcanic features like boiling hot springs, or even impressive geysers like those in Iceland.

Station viewing deck
Distinct cable car

At the volcano top

View from the top of the cable car station on the mountain
View from the top of the cable car station on the mountain.

Moreover, the air up here is noticeably thinner, yet pretty manageable for a light climb near to the top crater of the volcano. The air up here in this elevation is chilly and windy, but it is not too bad as the skies up here are largely cloudless, so you get much of the sun on your side here to keep you warm from the wind chills. Also, you would be fine without a jacket, and just bring along a light one if may, especially in the mid-summer months.

Volcano in distant
Vast clearings
Volcanic deposits

Also, the views up of the volcano is fantastic. On a clear day, you can see into the distance for miles and miles on end.  Additionally, Teide being a volcano is not without it’s fair share of volcanic elements.

Volcanic features on top
Volcanic rock features on top.

Do note that these volcanic rocks can be rather sharp too, so do take caution when nearing or coming in contract with them. This includes giant sulphuric deposits with towers as tall as a man.

Fantastic views

Vantage point from the volcano top
Vantage point from the volcano top.

Additionally, there are several viewing vantage points giving you great vast panoramic views. Also, a typical visit allows you to roam on pathways made along the volcano crater, though you need special permission to trek up to the rim of the volcano cater itself.

Volcanic formations
View from visitor area
Mountain volcano pathway

Moreover, the walking volcanic trail tracks here run in a circular fashion bringing you back to the visitor center. Despite the cable car ropeway bringing you to the top, there is still a notable kilometre upward trek up towards the crater rim. The area is is littered with several sharp volcanic rocks, so it is recommended to stay on the allocated pavements.

A path in heights on Mount Teide
A path in heights.

All in all, Tiede is definitely a key sight and attraction to visit when you are in the canary islands. The views, mountain and being on an active volcano, couple with a scenic drive up the mountain hill with long straights and windy mountain roads makes it as compelling natural sight in its own right.


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