I rest my case, woke up early this morning hopeful to get my GEMs registration done for the 3rd try and this: (See below)
After retrying to login in for 30mins (about 60 times retyping my password) I eventually get this and nothing else: (See below)
Even worst, 40mins later I am getting a “The page cannot be displayed” SAS is Dead! and so is my 9am – 9.30 am GEMs registration appointment, my 2nd last SLOT! SHIT!
Come on man, it’s our very module and studies at stake registrations which they are toying with, why let such a useless and incapable system handle such critical solutions? Being stuck with a module not of my choice due to the incapablity of the system (which the school hook-or-by-crook must employ for both political and competitive reasons) is not a situation I would like to be in.
I am getting like 100kbs/s on downloads and webpages on other windows load like a flash so it’s nothing on my connection side. It’s always SP website which takes forever to load, unacceptable to web standards.
Anyway its a server side error, 500 series error, so the problem is all on SP’s side. If the servers are overloaded I say thats trival shit, we have enough idle computing power in the campus to do a mini global weather simulation, why aren’t they tapping on it?
SP websites – Worst student website and web facilities, the lecturers gumble about it, the students complain about it, the IT dept gets thick skinned over it, yet why are they still putting it up and living a lie?
*grumbles and goes on building more reputable and capable websites*
SP online services sucks. It cant handle heavy load, it is slow.
Grrr so it’s so for years already? oh man even since yr time… this suxs at least they reschedulded another 2 appts tml, but that means got to wake up early again tml!
lol, yea as always.