27.8 C
Sunday, February 23, 2025


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what a PASS?

Mum & dad had been going for lots of health related course & talks at various hospitals/schools lately & man is the place filled with tons of leaflets & articles regarding all things from osteoporosis to kidney stones. Furthermore, Alexandra hospital is offering free dental checkups, maybe I would try dropping by someday. The work day ended for me now,...

Short weekend

Recieved a comfirmation e-mail from the software boutique @ funan on my half-life 2 preorder. There would be life firing tomorrow, so its a sunday burnt. Stayed-in on friday night, a very rare choice but very much fueled by laziness, guess arriving in camp back on sat 6.30am is too much for me, sleeping is camp is so much...

Start of October

Booking out on friday would be a first & too, a very much welcomed thing for the company. Considering the implementation of the 5 day work work week by our prime minister. Its october & the transistion from sept to oct is very much a welcome, the specialists in the wing would be all one year bikers already (though...


Before the day started, woke up at 6.15am halfdead, ate breakfast.. do normal morning stuffs.. blah blah, next thing there I was walking up to chonggen's house after dad dropped me off for work. Kinda slept (rested) there for a while. Got his uncle to drive us to the venue for the day thereafter, its 8am then. & yea,...

Monday blues?

As the day passes with each going step, my driving test on the 8th next month draws closer too. Mmm, exciting... but I should be able to pass on this 3rd attempt. The 26th of this month, (which is this upcoming Sunday) is the army half Marathon day. I am am more of less in charge of the water...

It’s Sun-turday.

Mmm, its saturday, but it feels like sunday, partly because of the deja-vu of booking in tonight. Yes tomorrow is a work day for me. 😥 I can say that its also a very short weekend for me too, booked out of camp around 8.30am today & hello camp in less than 2 hours from now... On a brighter side,...

Mingle with the stars.

And so it was the visit to the first opening day of the Army Open House 2004, held at SAFTI MI, Singapore. Its started with an innocent visit to the MI to check out the progress & experience the action we had been planning & promoting so far, very much a welcome to relax & enjoy the day. Met up...

Not too bad after all

Here I am at home enjoying whats left of my weekend. Initially, tomorrow is supposed to be an off in-lieu in compensation of the burning of the upcoming weekend due to the army open house event. But it was taken away at the last minute, due to some AOH live firing issues on my company side. Tested is my new...

Advanced Trainfire Package ATP Marksman

Had my ATP-M (Advanced trainfire package ATP maneuver) test yesterday, very much like the run-down type range test I've last month, only that instead of using the 5.56mm Carbine I fired with previously, today's firing was done with my company's using the newer SAR-21 5.56mm Bullpup rifle. Generally speaking, firing with the SAR-21 rifle have its good and bad...

Back from earth.. to mars?

Had some fun here & there with my new powershot digi-cam & hey! *SHOOTS* a new moblog pic too.. well, I guess its time I updated it too... Today is very much a day spent at home, resting, helping out mum with some chores, doing little webcoding, gaming, working out & my favorite, slacking. A typical sunday, family day....

Contacts… eww

*pokes eyes with fingers* neato. Booked out of camp around 7pm for nights off, got my dad to fetch me to tiong baru to collect my contact lenses ready today. As it was my first time with contacts, the optician very much spent some time teaching me how to put them on after like 3 tries, lost one lens...

Project “project”

Went for driving this morning, again me and the instructor had talk on driving testers & I guess the Poh guy who took failed me the other month was rather notorious for doing so. Mr Yeo my driving instructor for the day even told me that my tester failed his own driving test 5 times, you think he will...

End of waterpolo season

Our last match ended about one week ago with a 10-3 win against 3rd Division, resulting in an eventual placing of 7 out of 11 in the whole national level, one place ahead of last year's placing. All in hand we won 2 matches (against Combat Engineers & 3rd div) and lost 3 (against Arty, Commandos & Navy) throughout...

Positive Comments…

Karpal, team team member in the AOH creative commitee just called just now, informing me of the rather impressive flash movie intro movie for AOH I cooked up dumbly in the first half of the week. Though it was incomplete, he said that superior saw it and it was just breathtaking they say. Glad they think so & I...

7-3 Water Polo win

It is in and its official, the regiment Armour waterpolo team won 7-3 today in a match against Combat Engineers. Yea, great match team!

Its Sunday & ain’t booking in!

Should I be in camp, well not this time, I've been attached to home they say. To get started with the website flash animation for the army open house. A job lasting one week, which I have to squeeze within 3 days as I have a course in Katib camp from Wednesday onwards. Hope all goes well for the...

The week in text

Well it was a rather busy yet interesting previous week. Kicking off with me getting a nasty 37.6C fever last sunday, eating into monday with me as a duty Sergeant for my platoon. The funny thing is that I usually associate fever with me being on the bed very much half-dead with icepacks or so (or maybe when I...

AOH logo done!

On a lighter side, found some time today to come out with a design for the Army open house 2004 logo the creative commitee wanted. You can check out the final version of the preliminary logo here. *arr* *clears throat* heres a short explaination of the design: Helmet- Almost all army vocations wears the helmet, it reflects on safety...

Little quezy

Didn't get much sleep over the last few days, partly because of duty on Friday. On the contray I was glad it was weekday duty or it could be worst... Weekends away from camp are the ONLY time to enjoy life we so long desire in camp, so Saturday was pretty much spent at home with my family. To...

Umm an update?

Ok its recap time again... life at camp is starting to get rather interesting these days.. or can I say, am I making it more interesting. Here are some "gisses" for the week: Finished the Anime TV series Hellsing within one day. Allowed my troopers to blanket those birthday boys this week (it can get rather cakely messy at...

Yappari Steak Vivocity


Bai Nian Niang Dou Foo


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