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Safra automated membership stole my service pay!

This is some quite dated news, but since most guys who gone through NS in Singapore will more or less be a Safra member, so I will just share it here. They sent me a letter early this year telling me to renew my membership, so as with most club memberships or magazines, when you never respond or send...

Virtual Map streetdirectory.com denied leave to appeal

Following up on the recent lawsuits, unfortunately Virtual Map streetdirectory.com had been denied leave to appeal, so as stated in this press release. VIRTUAL MAP DENIED LEAVE TO APPEAL Singapore, 21 April 2008 – The High Court has declined to grant Virtual Map (VM) leave to appeal a ruling in its ongoing copyright infringement case with the Singapore Land Authority (SLA)....

Streetdirectory.com comes back online (press release)

Yup Streetdirectory.com is coming back up online, here is the official press release, thanks to Glenn from Virtual Map public relations for sending this in. STREETDIRECTORY.COM COMES BACK ONLINE Singapore, 14 April 2008 – Taking its first step towards becoming fully functional again, Streetdirectory.com came back online at 4:20am today with most of its popular features including bus/ MRT guides and...

Upcoming Singapore fundrasing flag days from April to December 2008 (Whole year)

The previous SP flag day together with the Viriya community service ones were a blast this month. If you would like to help out as a volunteer and make a difference to the lives of the least fortunate by fund raising, here are the upcoming flag days in Singapore from April 2008 (today) to December 2008. Here are more or...

Youth Olympic Games Dialogue Session with Mr Jacques Rogge and the YOG Panel

Held this morning at the Victoria Junior College, the dialogue session saw a panel of key personnel such as Mr Jacques Rogge (President IOC), Mr Sergey Bubka (Chairman, YOG Coordination Commission) and Mr Ng Ser Miang. Security was relatively tight with police presence, as hinted by the police vans and cars parked around. The gathering saw "top" students from...

Virtual Map’s Streetdirectory.com shuts down after losing suit

Been trying to get onto streetdirectory.com for directions around town lately, but apparently they had ceased operations after losing suit against the Singapore Land Authority. Besides considering PARF cash rebates for motorists now, guess this one is another one up for private car ownership. Regular directory nerds will get all lost taking public transport now on LOL. Or wait...

Good Friday!

Good Friday! And it's a long weekend too! Those going up to M'sia, remember to head up wayy before today or you will be caught in tons of jams prior the long weekend. And look happy easter Sunday is around the corner as well! Now where are those stuffed chocolate bunnys...

Urgent Appeal for Down Syndrome Association flag day 2007 volunteers

Got this urgent appeal from Dr Saba Iqbal from the Down Syndrome Association Singapore, it's regarding the need for volunteers on Saturday 29th December 2007, get your family, friends, relatives! Do drop DSA a line if you happen to be free that day to help out for a good cause! DOWN SYNDROME ASSOCIATION FLAG DAY 2007 29 DECEMBER 2007 Greetings from...

Remembering 9/11

If actions speak louder than elegy, it tells you where we are that the team coverage on the eve of the 6th anniversary of 9/11 alternated between General Petraeus' performance on Capitol Hill and Britney Spears' performance at the MTV Video Music Awards. Osama returned to prime time, only to be mocked for his "impotence" and apparent need for...

Lets talka bout the NETS, GST hike and Mosquitoes!

Ok, all of us had indefinitely, in any other way know about the 2% increase in the GST to 7% and the spade of mad rushes over the last great Singapore Sale to beat it. We can all see this coming, especially in the typical kiasu Singaporean perspective - it's like as if they cannot shop anymore when the...

BYOPC lan party, Meetin Alec, Taiwan F5 Jet Crash

Company Late Night Lan Gaming Session With some time I have before leaving to the national stadium this afternoon, let me just talk about some things which happened during the past week, particularly yesterday and leaving the stresses of FYP aside. Yes, and 1 week in advance, my boss called me up asking whether I can make it for their...

Happy 2007 Chinese New Year!

Oinks going out to all celebrating the Lunar New Year Today! Wishing prosperity, success and good health this new year of the pig. Now to eat the new year goodies in moderation...

Its holiday! But only for this week…

Despite the sun coming out quite nicely these days, the whether and ambient temperature is still holding out nice and cool in my area. In fact so good I do not even need to sleep with regular air-conditioning on for a few weeks! Morning temperatures are around 25 Degrees Celsius (readings from my desk clock), with rather frequent strong...

DBS ATM Security Info

Got a e-mailer from DBS, guess should share it as I believe this not only applies to DBS atms as well. Also, in view of the increasing numbers of ATM card skimming cases around the world, its's good advise for users to be extra cautious when using the ATM, locally or overseas, so we won't fall victims to atm...

Progress Package

Tomorrow will be the day the registrations for the Singapore Progress Package will be open. I would expect a heavy flow of traffic on the website the moment that happens, considering almost every Singaporean who sign up for it will get $800 (on average) credited to them by May this year - a definate welcome move to the community...

Non-Biodegradable Plastic!

Had been sometime since I went out grocery shopping with my parents (its like 2 years or so, since I left the army) so why not join them over the week at our usual nearby neighborhood NTUC fairprice. Overall I have to comment on the rather pleasant shopping experience fairprice has offered over the years, even till now. ...

Hot hot hot

On the weatherwatch, yes it had been a very hot period in Singapore this month, not to mention the number of bushfires around to keep our friendly firefighters & tax expenditure busy for the time being. I used to hate the effects of el nino, though I am not sure of its part & its eminent effects in this...

Make your Tidal wave help donations

😥 Looks like this particular part of the world is mourning for the victims & families devastated by the tidal wave disaster few days ago, with endless drizzle & now pouring of rain here since morning. So what the least we can do to help the victims, well maybe in a monetary aid or so, that whats possible. Dropped...


Schwarzenegger: Tomorrow the Hard Work Will Tuesday's historic election in California may be the first time voters in the state have recalled a sitting governor, but it is not the first time a Republican actor has been elected to solve the state's problems... Check out the news for more. We will be seeing him more on the news and less...

9/11, 2 years had passed…

It had been 2 years since the sept-11 attacks. Our deepest sympathy and prayers go out to the families and victims of NY, DC, Pentagon, American Airlines Flight 11, UNITED Airlines Flight 175, American Airlines Flight 77, & UNITED Airlines Flight 93. We will not allow such disasters disrupt our lives in anyway, but instead everybody will rise up...

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