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Tuesday, February 4, 2025


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NUS Global merit scholarship interview

Had my NUS Global Merit Interview, it is one of the 2 interviews conducted in consideration for the prestigious Global Merit (GM), undergrad (Merit) or the basic undergrad scholarships. The interview was conducted by 2 Proffs and a Dr, so it's 3-1, the setting is very done typical meeting table style. The interesting task of the day was finding the...

SP Flag Day 2008 for President’s Challenge Charity 08

Today is SP's flag day and we were everywhere, including being highlighted on today's TV news as well. If you've missed us, well, then where have you been? My spot was at raffles place early in the morning, there I got to meet my "class tutor" Mr Teng who I got recommended by my Materials Lecturer, Mrs Lim who...

Xiaxue, Wendy Cheng on the real and china fake iPhone (fake one wins)

Posted just for the moment of zen after catching this on gizmodo, don't ask... OMG who do not know how an iPhone looks like? Oh yes, but hey we are in Singapore right? Anyway she mentioned that she's gonna be kinda biased throughout, so oh well, at least the producers got what they wanted from here, haha.

Streetdirectory.com reopens after lawsuit

Few days ago, I told the story of Singapore popular street directory shutting down after losing their lawsuit and appeal against the Singapore Land Authority (SLA) over map copyright infringement last week. Despite all that and few negotiations here and there, it looks like the all popular (not to mention indispensable) streetdirectory.com is set to reopen once again. The...

Youth Olympic Games Dialogue Session with Mr Jacques Rogge and the YOG Panel

Held this morning at the Victoria Junior College, the dialogue session saw a panel of key personnel such as Mr Jacques Rogge (President IOC), Mr Sergey Bubka (Chairman, YOG Coordination Commission) and Mr Ng Ser Miang. Security was relatively tight with police presence, as hinted by the police vans and cars parked around. The gathering saw "top" students from...

Final DSTA interview and NUS Global Merit Scholarship Interview on the horizon

7 Interviews within a period of a month, man that have to be my lifetime record to date. There have been some good news coming in lately, and my agenda will see me through quite alot in thetime line for the coming weeks, such as my final DSTA interview as chaired by DSTA Deputy Chief Executive as well as...

Virtual Map’s Streetdirectory.com shuts down after losing suit

Been trying to get onto streetdirectory.com for directions around town lately, but apparently they had ceased operations after losing suit against the Singapore Land Authority. Besides considering PARF cash rebates for motorists now, guess this one is another one up for private car ownership. Regular directory nerds will get all lost taking public transport now on LOL. Or wait...

A chat with Advertlet’s Josh Lim

Got a call from Josh Lim, the CEO of Advertlets today with regards to my views about them I had on my previous blog post. He apologized for the problems they had caused, especially with the delays in payment, we ironed out fews issues I had outstanding in mind, especially on improving their customer response and that really eased...

An institutional award in the mist!

Along with the line of back to back interviews of the week, just came back today from an interview with the SP EXPAN reporter (the previous ones were from the other corporate comms department), they are doing up a write up of outstanding model students as well as those who won awards at institutional level, not that I was...

Google Virgle- The Adventure of Many Lifetimes

Google Virgle- The Adventure of Many Lifetimes Earth has issues, and it's time humanity got started on a Plan B. So, starting in 2014, Virgin founder Richard Branson and Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin will be leading hundreds of users on one of the grandest adventures in human history: Project Virgle, the first permanent human colony on...

DSTA scholarships 2nd assessment

It's April fool's day and man there is no other way to spend a day in the DSTA assessment center. It comprises of literally a half day line of events, 3 main ones to be exact which can be rather mentally taxing. But as most of the information there are largely confidential as told, there's a limit to what...

April’s Fool Day!

April's fool! got your fools yet? Oh wait my DSTA 2nd interview is today... uhoh!

Negative side of Advertlets – the bad and the horrible

Update 02/04/08 Got a rather constructive followup call from Advertlet's Josh Lim discussing on this dated post issues, you can read more of it in my future blog post here. Collected my Advertlets cheque today, it came in registered mail from HSBC KL office, they underpaid me about 5 times lesser than what I've cashed out in total, about 5 months...

Rediscovering SAT and my NBL local library! Whoa they have flippy book thingies?

In this age of the internet, anything (literally) is almost a Google away. I always had the impression that you can always find anything you want on the net, let be research stuffs, etc, then come the ugly part of the internet- you will never find valuable or information useful too you. The ability to determine information and knowledge...

Ace Award Interview with Principal & Directors, DSTA 2nd stage of selections!

Yesterday was an interesting day at the SP admin block, specifically at the Principal office and meeting room. It was the interview and shortlisting session for students nominated for the SP ACE awards. The session started with me meeting up with the other top students from the various courses/schools who arrived at the venue in staggered 10mins intervals. Met few...

Today’s My 24th Birthday!

Yea a year older, a year wiser! 😀 Thanks for all your greetings! Let be from online or text message greetings, esp those on the dot at 12mn wahahha spammed!!

DSTA scholarship interview today, and they found me interesting!

The interview for my Defence Science Technology Agency (DSTA) scholarship was on this morning at Science park. Being a restricted government agency, security was tight and you had to get authorizations to get in. There, candidates were greeted by rather professional staff who directed us to a candidate reception area with food and goodies. They were quite a few...

Singapore cancer society flag day

Today is the Singapore Cancer Society flag day! If you are around Orchard, especially the Plaza Singapura area you will definitely can't miss us- We were prowling all available corners and exits so we can get into so nobody can run from donating wahhahaha! All for a good cause of course! I was down as a public volunteer for the...

Good Friday!

Good Friday! And it's a long weekend too! Those going up to M'sia, remember to head up wayy before today or you will be caught in tons of jams prior the long weekend. And look happy easter Sunday is around the corner as well! Now where are those stuffed chocolate bunnys...

Bus lanes in Coporation Street, Manchester

If ERP don't seem to stop heavy traffic and clogging up our bus lanes, maybe this might work for Singapore, with rather dangerous yet very funny consequences on the click: Well at least their airbags are working!

Bai Nian Niang Dou Foo


Light to night 2025 SG Art week


Artbox 2025 Singapore Expo


Bird Avenue Centrepoint


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