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Monday, February 3, 2025


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Replacement strings

Just when I started tuning my guitar today & before I could get any tunes up on my favorite Good Charlotte song, my e string of my guitar broke.. 😯 argh!! Dang I don't have a spare anywhere, shouldda go easy on it. considering its the thinest string... but I think its time for a string change anyway. And...


Before the day started, woke up at 6.15am halfdead, ate breakfast.. do normal morning stuffs.. blah blah, next thing there I was walking up to chonggen's house after dad dropped me off for work. Kinda slept (rested) there for a while. Got his uncle to drive us to the venue for the day thereafter, its 8am then. & yea,...

Monday blues?

As the day passes with each going step, my driving test on the 8th next month draws closer too. Mmm, exciting... but I should be able to pass on this 3rd attempt. The 26th of this month, (which is this upcoming Sunday) is the army half Marathon day. I am am more of less in charge of the water...

Tutorials up!

Its finally up & ready! Check out the new computer related tutorials out on site at this URL. One more Kit-modelling tutorial to go. 😉

Typy sunday… or so it was

Well, its late now, time to get some much needed rest from a day of writing. Finished the HTPC & External Harddrive tutorial today, updated the old DIY PC tutorial with some niffy updates, freshened up the images & made them bigger & more pleasant to the eye. The DIY computer section will now spot an idependent tutorial sub-section...

New tutorials to come

I've been working on a few tutorials which I hope to launch altogether into the site sometime this week or so, so is the addition of a FAQ & updated tutorial of the old popular "DIY computer" article once I finish them all. Kit model tutorial (finally!) Building a HTPC (home theater PC) Assembling a 3.5" External Harddrive Upgrading your...

Study in Scottland?

My mum & dad picked me up from Kranji camp where I attended the Army Open House Post function with the usual AOH creative team, Zhuang & Karpal (well its his camp). The spread was good, the highlight being the rice in squid thingy, it was of an international buffet setting with bar stools & tables to chomp on...

It’s Sun-turday.

Mmm, its saturday, but it feels like sunday, partly because of the deja-vu of booking in tonight. Yes tomorrow is a work day for me. 😥 I can say that its also a very short weekend for me too, booked out of camp around 8.30am today & hello camp in less than 2 hours from now... On a brighter side,...

Mingle with the stars.

And so it was the visit to the first opening day of the Army Open House 2004, held at SAFTI MI, Singapore. Its started with an innocent visit to the MI to check out the progress & experience the action we had been planning & promoting so far, very much a welcome to relax & enjoy the day. Met up...

Not too bad after all

Here I am at home enjoying whats left of my weekend. Initially, tomorrow is supposed to be an off in-lieu in compensation of the burning of the upcoming weekend due to the army open house event. But it was taken away at the last minute, due to some AOH live firing issues on my company side. Tested is my new...

The week recap-tion

*yawns* boy am I spent, well heres some stuff worth recapping... First off came the rather pleasant news on sunday about the 5 day work week for both civil servants including schools & army camps. It official in my camp that the practice will start next month & working hours will be extended from 8am-5pm to 8am-6pm. Frankly those who...

Advanced Trainfire Package ATP Marksman

Had my ATP-M (Advanced trainfire package ATP maneuver) test yesterday, very much like the run-down type range test I've last month, only that instead of using the 5.56mm Carbine I fired with previously, today's firing was done with my company's using the newer SAR-21 5.56mm Bullpup rifle. Generally speaking, firing with the SAR-21 rifle have its good and bad...

Alien Vs Predator

Back then, Alien was quite a good hit, so was Predator & its series, but what you get when you merge these two movies into one? Closely, a lame but not necessary cheap show without much of a plot unless if you are really a predator or alien fan, otherwise you did better spend money on better shows such...

Back from earth.. to mars?

Had some fun here & there with my new powershot digi-cam & hey! *SHOOTS* a new moblog pic too.. well, I guess its time I updated it too... Today is very much a day spent at home, resting, helping out mum with some chores, doing little webcoding, gaming, working out & my favorite, slacking. A typical sunday, family day....

Singapore Idol

The national day parade had just ended & Singapore idol is now screening on TV. On a sidelook, one may noticeably note the array of people in for the auditions the possible *talents* & William Hung wannabees on TV. Not to mention the judges taking a very definite role (& impersonations) similar to that of their foreign counterparts. Very...

National Weekend!

National day is today, & whee red & white madness everywhere...:shock: Ok now for some site based updates for the day... did some minor upgrades & fixes around the site, firstly with the addition of the new projects page. Showcased there are more or less my progress & current task(s) I am involved in, that includes assignments & commissions, a...

End of sunday, as we know it.

Let me recap some happenings yesterday night. 🙄 Had an early dinner at home, mom & dad had some loh (black sauce) egg & meat dish with rice and soup, they are always good at such dishes, not bad. Then they all always go bout talking of going into the food business, well thats all talk anyway, no action...

5 Funerals & an elder Petanque competition.

Just came back from a swim from the swimming complex. One thing I noticed around the neighborhood is the amount of activity going on, the number of cars parked around and not to mention lots of catering trucks... Well what can I expect for, living in a matured estate. The funny thing is that a large bunch of...


My driving test is on tomorrow afternoon and I am feeling (yet strangely) very relaxed compared to my previous test. Guess considering that it would be my second attempt, moreover if I fail, its just "oh well time to book another test then". 🙄 Found some time to actually site down and relax today. Had a few rounds of counter-strike...

Geared ahead.

It had been almost one month since I've touched my guitar... 🙁 or actually found time to relax & play the new games I've got the pass month... *sob* the absolute pressures of the Army Half marathon & Open house are definitely eating into my schedules, not to mention my weekend rest periods. Whats things becoming too? And why...

Bai Nian Niang Dou Foo


Light to night 2025 SG Art week


Artbox 2025 Singapore Expo


Bird Avenue Centrepoint


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