26 C
Monday, February 3, 2025


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New unit vocational posting

*grumbles* Didn't know sewing my CPL rank sewing on my uniform could be such a pain, so many sets to do.... Anyway, the new vocational postings are out and this time the posting's gonna be permanent- one which will last for my 2 remaining years of national service till I ORD *Yeaaa.. freedom, end of army life*. I would...

28th BSLC graduation

*wakes up after 14 hours of hiberation* And so... the 32km graduation route march is over, so is the passing out parade and the receiving of my CPL rank, all yesterday... It was really a tough day on thursday night, the whole school literally marched 32km from thursday night all into friday's late morning, where we had breakfast thereafter, then...

Dinner @ Tony Romas

Mmmm, its sunday today, a good time to stay at home to rest, relax and watch some VCDs on the computer. Yesterday, saturday was very much of a busy day for me: Its time again where my mum's old friends from UK, London fly over with their families for a visit, and its pretty much an annual dinner thingy....

Camp stuff & Networking for dummies

A good way to end the 2nd last week in Sispec- take a non stop 12km run, said OC to the company. And yea there we went like brainless fools, like him running madly. So why the sour grape? It was definitely of achievable distance, but the heck? we are only expected to run only 7km as planned, what...

Medical Appointment

You may be wondering why am I here now typing this blog on a weekday when I should be at camp sweating it out... *pauses with anticipative grin* ok, so I will shoot, would be dropping down to NUH tomorrow for some medical review on some eye infection, acute conjunctivitis(otherwise known as sore eyes). It had been bugging me for quite...

Club Imperium

As a usual saturday night on national day, its chill out time as usual, had dinner at home. Did some window shopping around orchard later in the evening, Siemens moblie is having a roadshow of their latest M55 tri-band phone, it really cool, feature wise, it suxs big time, they really have cute salesgirls there, had some nice time...

I wish upon an excavator… & bulldozer!

Last week seems to be a very short week, very much shorter than usual. Whoosh its the weekend again and here I am typing this blog again. As I can remember with this clogged head and aching limbs of mine, heres what I have to share at camp. And yea, so there was the outfield defense exercise for my company...

BSLC coming to an end, WOoo!

Theres lots to do this week, so I would make this entry short and sweet. And yeeaaa, yup, the 3 day sispec out field camp is over, next week there would be one more outfield "choing sua" before the end of course! and yea company happy hour will be on around end next week. All good things may eventually come...

Sleepless weekends

This blog entry will cover the last two days, as I am quite busy lately, *sighs* didn't have time to catch any movies this week, but did had a good dinner at MK restaurants' steamboat buffet on Saturday night. Not bad I say, very value for money at about $23 per head. And yea, the sashimi bar would always...

Orchard shopping

Its catching up time at orchard again so its shop shop shop. Coincidentally, my sister is involved with some 2 day cultural show at the orchard park (opposite borders), so kinda dropped by to say hi, before heading for dinner at Golden Mile steamboat resturant. As usual, the place is always packed with people, so kinda waited for awhile...

Back Back, then movies and back again

And so, I am back from the tekong resort from the 7.30pm fastcraft. Then it was Terminator 3 at Tampanies. The show, though very very similar to the 1991 blockbuster T2, its too, based on the story of machines taking over the world, blah blah blah... (as if we haven't got enough of it, esp with Matrix Reloaded) Also,...

C&C Generals Expansion: Zero Hour

Electronic Arts has today announced that its LA studio is currently working on the first expansion pack for Command & Conquer: Generals. Currently known by the working title of Command & Conquer: Generals Zero Hour, the expansion will add a number of new features, including a generals challenge mode, to the original game. The expansion is currently scheduled for...

Camp Blues…

As all weekends there is, and this one is coming to an end here.. *damn* so the fun is over and back to work.. expect more "choing sua" this week at camp, oh its monday tomorrow argh! Currently Listening: Rimini Project- Boys Summertime

Just for laughs.

Just came back from a late night show, Charlie Angels- full trottle. And these are shows which makes you wonder how ridiculous certain stunts can possibility turn out into- all with pin-point accuracy and its "always something there for them!" All in hand, it appeals to the general audience with a all good happy ending (like the prince marrying...

Wonders of tidying your room

As chaotic as it looks, its time I started tidying my room... again! And heck didn't know doing so can land you into a flu, not to mention the amount of dust lifted in the process, talking bout sensitive noses... :p *time passes* And so everything's much neater now, personally speaking and did get to "unearth" several old stuffs I've...

Busy Busy

Booked in late afternoon yesterday, so didn't have time to update on happenings. The first week in Sispec is really one of rush- lessons lectures and practicals. Went out today mostly to buy stores for the course, so quite busy. *looking at the calender* and hey! Creative warehouse would be having a sale next week, would be going with...


And so BMT is over, so whats next in national service? *pauses* oh well, I am posted to the the school of infantry specialists (Sispec) to undergo the BSLC course (basic section leader course). And yea.. It will be more or less 10 weeks of more hell. Gotta report at SFT again (thought I never get to see that place...

Long day at Home

Well, I guess its time I spend sometime at home too, cleaning my room and doing some chores around the house. Would be going out for lunch later with my sister, as my parents are away. And hey! its fathers day today! *grinz* Currently Listening: John Tesh- September

New news page look

Oh well, some minor upgrades to the site, and I say, it looks great! *big grinz*... Pizza will be arriving for dinner at 6.30pm.. yummy! Ordered the Hawaiian supreme, yet to taste its power. *drools* Currently Listening: Dead Or Alive- You Spin Me Around (ultimix)

Unit Posting

Well, would be heading back to SFT (Singapore Ferry Terminal) to get my NS posting which would decide whether I get to sweat out or slack for the next 2 years. Hopefully I could get a 9-5 job in an aircon-ed environment with the DSO (defense science organization). Otherwise, I would like to give command school a try, as...

Bai Nian Niang Dou Foo


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