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Sunday, March 9, 2025


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Classifieds impersonations!

I've been receiving quite a few emails asking about my "Ad" on few popular online classifieds sites, such as 88db. Which left really really puzzled as I do not feature my freelance services anywhere else on the internet other than my portfolio pages on this website. So I went about a search on the net and found ads placed...

Site upgrade planned in next month

Always wanted to get a site revamp up since last year, but just do not have the time and commitment to do so. I guess I has been more busy creating and building websites for my clients that I think that I am starting to neglect this very site. Bummer. Furthermore, in the age of code compliance, web 2.0 shit...

Singapore is a “fine” city, of course, aren’t you proud of it?

It's ain't no april fool's joke, but hey Singapore does have a reputation of a fine city. And what better way to see it through the eyes of a rather chatty taxi driver. Though I think the expats have not really seen much of Singapore to make any firm creditability from their remarks, I guess Singapore will still be a...

Remember to flick the switch on earth day, tomorrow

Vote Earth! On Saturday 28 March 2009 8:30PM local time, wherever you live on planet earth, your light switch is your vote to climate change. This year, Earth Hour has been transformed into the world’s first global election, between Earth and global warming. For the first time in history, people of all ages, nationalities, race and background have the opportunity to...

It’s the 25th of March and Shaun turns 25 today!

The 25th of march is always a cool day for me, haha, but this year it's much more special as this 25th is my 25th birthday, the magical 2 numbers and I am 25 years young! A year young, a year wiser as well! For me, it's a rest day today, work is non-existent today (bahahahawith). Gotta chill out today,...

Networking site restraints and blogging compel-lance

It had been sometime since I last wrote an entry in here. I am starting to think that maybe Facebook or Twitter may be taking over the possible hassle of blogs. But I do not think we will see the death of the blog, particularly this one as well. You may see me more relatively active on Facebook now,...

US bailout funds from the hood!

Ok we all know that the US treasury is bailing-out and boosting the economy with various economical policies using the reserves. This is so in Singapore as well. I found this photo shopped animated gif image while surfing the internet and I can't stop laughing whenever I see it. It's like ol' snoops with the big daddy's bailout funds,...

Photo Booth Prank at Universal Studios

Ahh, good ol' Universal studios, and with a photo booth prank to boot as well. This one really made me laugh quite a bit, courtesy with footage on the tube from CNBC. I just wonder how cooperative people will get if we have this in Singapore, or will they simply just go off marching to the complains department, haha.

The quid for the byte, internet is expensive in UK. Recommend me a UK mobile operator!

Internet ain't that covered nor cheap in Europe, I guess originating from one of the most connected nations in the world (currently 99.9% penetration in Singapore right?) I am quite spoilt for free campus internet, let be even free wi-fi on the Singapore streets and cafe. We had grown so synonymous with the word unlimited in Singapore that we, or...

The fortnight dailies, a dated update!

Much had happened recently, well not only here but around the world, little bits here and there which I punched into as saved drafts into my blog but never had the justification to publish it into a dedicated blog post, so I will just lump it all up into one collective blog post. I think it's about time the...

Lectures Doug Zongker’s “Chicken chicken chicken”

A good laugh for the day- the video of Doug Zongker's "Chicken chicken chicken" lecture at the click: The lecture slides in PDF for those who wish to zap them for the exams.

2009 year of the Ox Chinese New Year Greetings

Chinese new year comes earlier this year than the last. It's good bye to the year of the rat and welcome the 2nd animal on the Chinese Zodiac, the hardworking Ox. Lets hope the bovine power will bring a bullish year ahead for many. Nevertheless, despite the downturn, CNY is still a period of festive joy, performances, not to...

An un-conditional offer from Cambridge University!

There was something rather interesting in the mail today. A nice thick white plain envelope addressed from the University of Cambridge identified via a faint stamp on the corner, nothing fancy, but an avenue of anxiety- The time is right at it is this period of the year where admission results are announced, this will definitely be the result...

Happy new 2009!

Happy new 2009 everybody! May it be a good, safe & prosperous year. May all your wishes come true!

The New Year Hello 2009! What are your resolutions for 2009?

Well, it's time of the year again where we just look back on the year and reflect what we've done in turn for the light of the new year. 2008 saw many firsts, the first US black president. The first Formula 1 night race in Singapore which in turn yielded the first and youngest black Formula 1 world champion (Lewis)...

Merry Christmas!

Ho Ho Ho, it is the time of the year to be joyful and merry. It's the period of festive goodies, Christmas trees, presents and rain deers, it's all about the spirit of giving and sharing, not to mention Christmas dinners with your friends or family. Yes, it's time of the year again which just gives you that warm...

Offer by University College London

Got an email from UCL (University College London) telling me that I've been awarded an unconditional offer to do my BA and Masters of Engineering next year. Strangely with my application last September, I didn't expect an offer to come too soon, as I thought it will only be announced next year around January. They were however, the first...

Taking a Break

Just as how carefree the kacang puteh man sold me snacks at the Catay previously, makes me wonder that sometimes, the best things in life are the simple little things- Simple little things which we often go unnoticed in our endless wants. And it's not just the snack mind you, it's like a catalyst to a familiar realisation of thoughts-...

My university interview today! It went well!

I remembered arriving at RJC in the afternoon for my Cambridge interview, wanting to get there early with time to relax, I took a bus and alighted somewhere around upper Thomson where I took a very short cab trip to RJC itself. The cab driver actually told me that the venue is a short walk away, but he drove...

Recap of the Singapore Cambridge TSA, more nerve wracking to come

Just came back from the Thinking skills assessment test at Hwa Chong JC. Just as anticipative as I was to receive the news of the test and the interview about 2 weeks ago, I can't help but realize that the days do come by very fast and in no time, I am actually done with my TSA and my...

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