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Tuesday, April 1, 2025


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Ace Award Interview with Principal & Directors, DSTA 2nd stage of selections!

Yesterday was an interesting day at the SP admin block, specifically at the Principal office and meeting room. It was the interview and shortlisting session for students nominated for the SP ACE awards. The session started with me meeting up with the other top students from the various courses/schools who arrived at the venue in staggered 10mins intervals. Met few...

DSTA scholarship interview today, and they found me interesting!

The interview for my Defence Science Technology Agency (DSTA) scholarship was on this morning at Science park. Being a restricted government agency, security was tight and you had to get authorizations to get in. There, candidates were greeted by rather professional staff who directed us to a candidate reception area with food and goodies. They were quite a few...

I’ve got the SP 2008 Model Student Award!

The SP model student and prize presentation ceremony was one today, and I was one of the 17 lucky few in the whole Polytechnic who were selected to receive the prize. This is so together with various sports and community club presidents also being awarded prizes for their achievements and contribution to the polytechnic itself. Registration was a breeze...

Semester 6 Results Out

I always remembered the date 27th Feb being the release of the semester results, but I was too busy with work, projects, running and university application(s) to even remember it now- As naive as it sounded, I simply just went "huh?" each time anybody reached me about my results when I am out today, having to apologize to everyone...

SP MM 50th Anniversary Dinner and Dance

The MM annual dinner and dance cum 50th anniversary celebrations was held last week at Raffles town club on the 15th (Feb) of this month. It's not a poly-wide event but rather one for the school itself in mark of the long way the SP's school of MM had came around. The event started with a reception where we...

DME Class of 25 End Semster Chalet and Old Changi Hospital Visit

Whats more a way to end the Poly semester but with a reunion chalet with my old class of 25. However, just like many others during the vacation, it's the time to work prior to enlistment to the army or university. Despite all these, many Cheers going tout to many who took the time off to drop by the...

Track and Field Seniors Farewell

Been all round Singapore and visiting grans in the afternoon. The rain kinda dampened the need to drop by Chinatown to check out the festive happenings and goodies there. Then there was the Track and field outing in the evening. It was a short dinner gathering at Hongkong Street cafe at East coast with most of the track team there....

2008 CIE Class Chalet at Pasir Ris

Was around school today (for one of the few last times) with the team to collect my Spinnovex gold certificate. There was alot to catch up not to mention bidding farewell to many of our anticipative lecturers (not to mention many photos as well) who took us during our course of studies. I apologize for my absence over the...

On the Media!

Lol, was just told by my intelligence network that I appeared on Tonight TV news, Channel News Asia a few moments ago, that one was the interview about my FYP motion simulator project I got the exhibition gold award for. They said I was professional on TV haha, with the exception of some acne... (haha maybe which popped...

SP Open House & Spinnovex 2008 Day 3

Today is the last day of the SP Open house Spinnovex 2008 final year project showcase. The day started off as a lazy but otherwise smooth morning prior the opening of the event. There was an air of fatigue hanging around the tent (given the late industry night the day before and considering it being our 6th consecutive day...

SP Open House & Spinnovex 2008 Day 2

The second day of Spinnovex started with us finally able to get hold of our goodie bags and finally some ice-cream to chow on- allowing us to relax after working a whole day on foot at the exhibition. Today is the last day of judging with one specially for us CIE groups in the morning (the results will be...

Spinnovex 2008 Day 1

Today is the 1st public opening day of the SP open house and Spinnovex 2008. That is also when the crowds start flooding in to view all the various exhibited items on display as part of student's final year projects. The whole event started in a bang with our guest of honor & nominated MP, Mr Edwin Khew visiting...

Gearing up for Spinnovex 2008

After many long weeks, not to mention Saturday and Sundays (Thanks going to our TSO) working on my final year project, today is the day where we get to move into the main exhibition tentage! My team's project was not really fully completed yet and we wanted to go in early so we can use up the rest of...

Project postings are out! Got the Plaza Tentage position!

Got the result of the Spinnovex 2008 posting today. My team is heading for a confirmed spot in the Grand Plaza Tentage! Yea! *jumps round room for a while* And so are 5 other teams in our CIE group as well. That is the best honor we can get as a project group and it's a big hurdle cleared...

Happy Halloween, Woot FYP vetting cleared!

It's Halloween time again and look! no one's celebrating it over here in Singapore! Go around in a costume trick or treatin' and you will end up getting tricked most of the time or maybe being labeled as "siao", a crazy door-to-door salesman or people won't open the door for you. Don't you just love being like a frog...

SP CIE Options Talk, Transforming SP DME-CIE

It's also time of the year again where our year one students get to go through a series of course options in their path of studies, namely the second year specialization between the CIE (creativity innovation and enterprise option) or the TF (teaching factory) option. Our lecturers will gather all the year ones for a talk and showcase of...

Reanimating Project Work

The last 2 project weeks saw disappointment being unable to submit our fabrication and parts order due to red tape in our school system and financial department to raise project budget. Hope things goes better this week. Monday saw the first time we managed to get the actual simulator system running with few parts borrowed all round campus, which...

IVP Day 1 over, Jobscentral Jobs Fair, N95 Updates

Today is the first IVP day but could not make it to Gombak due to a tight agenda on my side, but the weather was very good for a track and field event today. Was around the Suntec area instead to attend an exhibition there and also on top of looking for a 3 multiscreen monitor mount for my...

Run run run, hush on final year projects

Went for a short 16km run this evening after a week of absence from the sport, maybe I am saturated with glucose or so, but the run was totally effortless and I never felt the "wall" at all, things look good to bump the distance up by another kilometer next week runs. The Alexandra canal route was exceptionally crowded...

Radicurl FYP Simulator software working!

After countless efforts over the past few days in the workshop to get the software for our simulator force feedback calculator to work, our fruits are starting to pay off - we managed to get readings all the direct X .dll output from the games we tested today, namely Need for Speed Most Wanted and EA sports Formula 1...

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