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Wednesday, March 26, 2025


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The freedom of wheels

When people define freedom, in general it is having the ability to go anywhere, act or change without constraint. On mobility, nothing beats freedom to go anywhere anytime of the day. No mercy of external variables with everything in place, that is the freedom of wheels. Notably, Freedom in philosophy and religion is often associated with being without undue or...

Graphene is a solution where we have yet to find the problem for.

Graphene has always been a topic fascinating so many people in the engineering and scientific scene. Even my university professors were all totally hyped up about Graphene over the past year even well way after my graduation from University. In my understanding from various research groups and PhD students in Cambridge, the properties of Graphene are astonishing, the applications...

The UOB ONE Savings Account, comparison with the OCBC 360 offerings

UOB definitely got everyone’s attention with the recent introduction of an elevated interest savings account plan. The UOB ONE Account is a pretty attractive plan on paper with a maximum possible saving interest rate “up to” 3.33%, the highest offered by any bank in Singapore to date. Standard Charted first started this with their bonus saver accounts, which are...

Vote responsibly in the upcoming Singapore general elections Sept 11th.

With the upcoming Singapore general elections scheduled on the 11th September, the question on everyone’s mind is the decision of your vote to see Singapore for the next term. As with any responsible voter, one ought to choose your leaders wisely based on their capabilities on top of their promises to bring Singapore forward as a whole, with a...

Growing Shaunchng.com as a system administrator and my experiences into server management in Singapore

My fray as a system-administrator started with my curiosity to have a-go and enjoyment of running my server cluster to fulfil my computing and web-hosting needs. I started creating websites almost 20 years ago- when I barely left primary school. Till, then I've never looked back. 10 years ago, went into the hobby of server management. Looking back, one...

Looking back at 2007, with 2008 around the corner!

2007 had definitely been a rather interesting year for me, with lots of interesting ups, downs and challenges. I am glad that I've met and even surpassed all targets the targets I've set the previous new year's eve. I've got closer and became more understanding & tolerable with my loved ones on top of securing my first scholarship for...

My Medical Appointments – The long interesting radioactive story

It seems that whenever you see a GP for a problem, it's very interesting of one problem to pop up another, in my case from diarrhea to kidney stones? to kidney problems? whoa read on: Dropped by SGH for a medical appointment follow-up today, apparently on a long story this case which started on early this year when I had...

It tough being a SBS transit bus driver these days

Looking into the limelight of the events happening recently with regards to SBS transit bus drivers, don't you think SBS transit is acting too harsh on bus captains now? Taking the incident this year of the Indian elderly lady who fell from a bus which simply drove off, only laughingly being treated by a driver from a competitor bus company...

Transformers, Old Cartoons that deserve Movies, exams sighted

Hadn't had time to talk about transformers the movie which I caught previously on free passes (yea) funny that the movie didn't follow the old child hood memories I had on Optimus (flat front prime mover?), Megatron (walter giant cannon?) and Bubblebee (VW bettle) or just because of their scanner's they can turn into anything they want? Or is...

Paraskevidekatriaphobia Friday the 13th

Do you get paraskavedekatriaphobia? Apparently, the fear of Friday the 13th is called just that.

Using return addresses to get your mail through free

This came to be from just a random neuron connection Ever wondered what happens when you post a letter in the mail box with your address on the front (To: address) and the address you actually want to send the letter to on the reverse (From: address) return address area? If you just want the letter to reach it intended...

My Internship, as a chapter closes

And there we have it, 9 weeks of internship gone in a flash and school's reopening next week. Time do flies and it's not exactly "tiring" or "difficult", but strangely neither as the saying goes: "Time passes when you are having fun". Lets face the facts, work is not always enjoyable, that's why people get paid to work! But...

2 Weeks of internship left

In a flash 7 weeks of internship had passed with hardly 2 weeks remaining, where the next school semester will be starting immediately thereafter (on the 16th this month to be precise). Things going on presently in school are regular in-campus training, the freshman CCA signups and the following orientation week, which I would not be able to make...

IPPT go or no go?

Got a call from my NS bunkmate Daryl yesterday asking whether I was posted to a unit. Apparently most of us commanders even our troopers had calls on their postings over the pass weeks, except for a few including me. With my IPPT window closing soon comes the big question - must I take IPPT when I did not...

Hello 2007!

My New year Resolutions & Targets for 2007: > School: Maintain my GPA at 4.0 (with 2 academic semesters left!) Achieve NYAA Gold by end 2007 > Business: Rocket my e-commerce sales & savings Benefit more from long term investments > Community: Contribute more community service within Singapore > Health & Sports: Clock at least 1000km of running millage Build more muscle mass (more gym visits duh...) Achieve a 1:50 half-marathon Achieve...

Goodbye 2006…

Its time again, reflection time! Oh yea with that in hand I guess I hadn't had the opportunity to wish everybody (and on a rather late note) a very happy Merry Christmas 2006, Selamat Hari Raya Haji and a very Happy new year. Alot has happened since I came back, namely greeted by new of Singapore flooding around the Thompson...

Airport Security – Realistic?

Mmm, good thing an Air Terrorist plot had been foiled recently, but the air-travel industry did kinda shaken up over the past few days with increased security & inspections. Basic items like scissors, jackknifes all not allowed on board planes, even combustable laptop batteries are not permitted (thanks dell and sony) not sparing any macs either. At this rate even...

New year’s events bringin’ in 2006

Here are the list of events for me to go or gatecrash this New year's Eve... Mmm decisions, decisions. Ministry of Sound with DJ Darren Emerson (Clark Quay) Siloso NYE Splash (Siloso Beach, Sentosa) (Banner) Funk Out Dance Party (Ngee Ann City) NYE Mambo Jumbo @ EXPO Chijmes New Year's Eve Countdown Party SG Runner's Year End Chalet Hang out...

Yesterday London 2012, Today London Bombed

Thats the headline on BBC news today, in contrast to the celebration, announcement & stuffs yesterday at home about the Olympics, which is to be held at London on 2012. Sad. Luckily the damage is not that severe, with AL-Qaeda taking responsibility to all shit they had done. What they get to gain for doing such things? Blinded by...

Company- Step One.

I have always longed to run a company on my own, maybe its the desire I have in my blood to be a boss of my own. So after some long homework, gone down to the ACRA at international plaza in the morning to do some enquires, consulting & preprep work for my registration & administration for the...

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