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Tuesday, April 1, 2025


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Wolfson college reunion at Hotel Jen

I was invited as an alumni of my university college for an evening reunion in Hotel Jen, in town. It was a good get together session considering most of my school mates are all busy working for the past few years since our graduation. Apparently it was held at a lounge in Hotel Jen, which I had not been...

Cambridge University Southeast Asian forum with Thaksin Shinawatra

Going with the old tradition of free speech, the University is known to feature many high profile guest speakers, one which is usually a favorite will be controversial speakers. The usual speaker lineup will include distinguished UK Prime Ministers, Kings, US Presidents. Moving away, Julian Assange was the last such of the controversial speakers to date at the Union,...

Awarded Gloucester Research Prize

Cambridge university engineering prize day was held today. It's a private award presentation ceremony for top students excelling for their past year work in the Department across all academic years. Here, students are awarded cash prizes in their individual categorizes, such as computing, structural design, etc.. with each award supported and sponsored by an engineering company (e.g ARM, Jaguar,...

Snowy greetings from Cambridge!

2011 turned out to be pretty much a snow-less year, with the Christmas period surprisingly devoid of any snow, considering how it usually comes in early December for the last 2 years. And before you can call it spring, it's snowing in Cambridge today! Strangely, nearly 2 months later than usual. The weather here in the midlands UK had...

Happy 2012 Lunar New Year of the Dragon!

It's the Chinese new year and of course no new year celebration to welcome to Lunar new year is complete without the inclusion of food! And lots of them. This year's celebrations was held at the Queens college junior combination room. I've never been to Queen's JCR before, only their halls for formals and apartments of friends in the...

Merry Christmasy from (not too cold) Cambridge!

And so it's December and time for a much needed blog post on the happenings so far here. Guess I was just too busy with stuff and the end of the that I had not found much time to share the happenings here as of date. The sad fact is that there is actually quite a lack of things...

Ahhoy! My third engineering year in college

And heyho! Summer break's over, it's the my third year in college and the start of Michaelmas now. A whole new world of exciting studying, homework-rejoicing and sociallife-killing fun awaits! Oh bummer. Third year engineering here in Cambridge is where the specialization in your field actually starts, as you actually get to learn what you (or for most Singaporeans here,...

Start of University 3rd year, H&M Singapore & Cancellation of Night Safari Halloween Horrors

Hey hey, I am back in the United Kingdom just at the start of my third year in college. My 2nd year was fairly good given my various commitments during school term, but otherwise still mostly study study study. I guess my year 1 made me better prepared for year 2, not only in terms of the syllabus but...

Happy Chinese New Year of the Rabbit 2011!

Gong xi fa cai! What other better way to welcome the year of the rabbit than a back to back Chinese new year feast for 5 consecutive days? And I thought last year's 3 day steamboat affair was good. I guess it's get better this year knowing where are all the parties are. Before Chinese new year, (1st Feb) Day...

The Cambridge student diaries- 2nd term of sophomore year.

The Cambridge student diaries- 2nd term of sophomore year. Hey mum, shez, It had been sometime since I last wrote a decent update to you and dad, so I figured I do one now since I have some time before bed, juggling between a modest 4 hours of sleep, a project presentation and a judging panel in 5 hours time. It...

Start of the Cambridge student diaries

I noticed the obvious lack of updates here on the site for quite sometime. Don't worry I am not dead. But pretty much caught on other forms of work, travel which kept me away from my computer at time. My move to microblogging on twitter also placed me on a different light for update on this site too. So time...

2010 Halloween Parties GET!

So what did I do for Halloween this year, well I made my own costume this year, 2 in fact. I had quite a number of parties to attend this year, so I figured I diversify my arsenal a li' ol bit. I made a Half-life zombie costume using a bloodied labcoat and shirt, coupled with my iconic head...

Internship at the Defence Science Technology Agency Towers

As part of my university internship and industrial experience requirements, I spent the last summer back in Singapore working 8 weeks from the 26th of July to the 17th of September. I've got the opportunity to work on improving a large caliber weapons system currently actively employed in the Singapore Armed forces. The organisation is no Stark industries, but...

7 day work week from 9am to 2am, no work benefits 😛

7 day work week, 9am to 2am, no work or health benefits 😛 Haha, that very much describes my employment benefits on my current occupation. Life as a student do have their ups and downs and I bet no one can deny that exam time is one of the main nightmares one can face. Where it's not the long late...

The tripos exams are coming, the tripos exams are coming!

Today marks the date where I finally finished all my example papers (tutorial homework) for my freshman year. These little buggers always try to get the best of you as homework in it's worst form, they just sap the life out of you when you try to tackle them all day long, to the extent of sometimes taking a...

News from my poly junior- Kuriakin Zeng, Singapore Polytechnic’s first Harvard accepted student

Good news come early this may. Apparently, my Polytechnic junior Kuriakin Zeng, who's notoriously labeled now as the "Harvard, Poly reject" is the first Singapore polytechnic student who've been offered a place to study in Harvard university. As I was told by him, he will be doing engineering science in place of liberal arts. Looking back, I remembered...

Institution of Mechanical Engineers Greenpower Race

The iMech Greenpower race (25th April 2010) is an annual eco-race organised by the institution of mechanical engineers (iMechE) in conjunction with secondary schools, colleges and manufacturers to introduce and promote the engineering profession to students in the UK. This blog entry covers much in a nutshell what my team of 4 did to prepare ourselves for the national...

London: British Museum & 39 Steps!

Ah yes, so much for mentioning the British Museum & 39 Steps in the post title, actually the whole reason for me to be in London last Saturday was an invitation to a lunch seminar at Royal Garden Hotel organized by PS(D) for SAFOS, SMS, DMS and DSTA Scholars studying in UK. It was a rather small lunch event,...

Greenpower, building our race car

It's the start of the easter term break and no what other better way to start it but getting all engrossed in building an electric racing car to compete in Greenpower. Greenpower is an annual racing event organised by the Institution of mechanical engineers (iMechE). It electric car racing for schools, colleges, apprentices and youth groups. colleges, apprentices and...

Happy Chinese New Year of the Tiger!

Welcome the year of the tiger! A whole new year on the lunar calendar. There had been much talk among the Chinese group here in Cambridge with regards to the new year, particularly how it is celebrated in various countries, with experiences of their own, let be in China or Malaysia. Things here in the UK are very different...

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