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Losing streak


Lost waterpolo match
Well, when there are lots of up recently, there will too come the downs. I guess the last *up* was me getting the news to be “attached” to home for Army Open House projects and tasking. Then, luck came falling down- first with us losing against Commandos in the regiment waterpolo match, the second lost after arty.

Driving test
And secondly (rather personal but, argh!) by failing my 1st driving test with 28points, frankly I felt I drove very well, did the circuit like a pro. If all my other instructors don’t see a problem with my driving and I don’t see why one tester like this a sore thumb Mr Poh Ah Soon (my tester) from the traffic police department, think otherwise. If there is a quota to and for first time passes a day, so be it. And even the regulation the system just don’t allow free play, everybody are all set to go through a stereotypical system set, bringing about results as disastrous as our notorious education system. Its time things should change for the better.

Mistakes I know/committed

  • Incorrect braking – 4pts
  • Fail to check mirror before slowing- 2pts
  • Incorrect positioning at junction- 2pts
  • Delay in moving off- 2pts
  • Insufficient accel- 4pts

“Mistakes” I didn’t even commit.

  • Fail to use appropriate gear- 4pts (I am always very good at management)
  • Speed too slow for road- 2pts (I was speeding!)
  • Fail to signal/Give wrong signal- 8pts (Maybe late, but never missed it)

Dumb testers… 😡

go stuff myself with tons of good food with my fam now…

June the 20th, double parties


Today’s my sister’s birthday, together with father’s day. Happy Birthday Sheena! Happy Father’s Day Dad! Had cake from the occasion for breakfast. Had dinner at Prtgo’s at raffles city the night before. Its some Itialin restaurant my mum wanted us to try us which does fine dining. The place spots a rather standard classy feel, with the exception of the place being too bright & little cramped (too many tables) other than that the staff were rather friendly even the (rather fat) Italian manager makes his rounds the restaurant greeting guest and asking about the food. Did some rounds of window shop the center, the place hadn’t changed much though, with the exception of a few new stores.

Checked out some gizmos on surf today and hey, not quite a catch with this new baby coming out, finally a bluetooth keyboard for texting on my phone and my future PDA. :mrgreen:

My driving test would be on next week :shock:, Thursday infact. Hope all goes well on my first attempt & I can drive my dad’s car by the week. *yea* Wish me luck for the driving test.*fingers crossed*

The week in text


Well it was a rather busy yet interesting previous week. Kicking off with me getting a nasty 37.6C fever last sunday, eating into monday with me as a duty Sergeant for my platoon. The funny thing is that I usually associate fever with me being on the bed very much half-dead with icepacks or so (or maybe when I was still a kid). I ended up drinking much more than usual and not stress myself too much. I do not know whether I am actually healthier or weaker- having more of such fever outbreaks within the months (must be the workload and lack of sleep) but I am actually going through a fever unscattered performing normal duties only with a warmer body and nothing else… is that better resistance? weird!

However, monday was rather ok for me. I see a plus point having a slight fever, you tend to be rather “switched off”, I guess the need to think so much wasn’t really necessary, being very much like in “boot mode”. And so there I was shouting and giving commands just I wanted them to be, no second thoughts, fast & efficient and hey nothing cocks up, maybe Murphy law didn’t rear its ulgy head that day but it was whew, one day gone & one duty less. Had the night for training out of camp.

Next came the waterpolo match against Arty on Tuesday at Changi naval base, we are in representing our unit Armour. Due to my condition the day before I was very much on the reserves, only able to play a quarter of the game. We didn’t win in the end, however but it was a match well played and the team went for some “aftermatch lunch” thereafter.

Wednesday saw the light and use of all the preps we had been doing for weeks, training! And so it would go till friday. Theres nights off on wednesday, allowing us to finally relax from the work at camp. And theres no time to head home man, just total chill out outside at orchard for a few hours of food and entertainment before heading back to camp for the night.

Friday started with the continuation of training, then followed by an Army Open House related meeting for the exco, they needed a logo to vet urgently submitted, I’ve already submitted mine to the heads, and its up to them to use it or shoot it back. Furthermore they needed the team to come up flash site design for the site within 2 weeks, so I guess I’ve got another rush job up this time again.

Voices of central Singapore interview with blogger Shaun


Interview with Blogger: Shaun Chng

Article & questions by Creslyn, freelance writer for the Tanjong Pagar GRC magazine publication, VOICES. The interview focuses on the blogging life in Singapore, with a few snippets on my blog & how it started, including my views on the current Singapore blogging scene.

Meet Shaun Chng – the unsuspected hero in web designing who started dabbling with web design while he was in secondary school in 1997 and since then, he never stops coding. In fact, he is into freelancing now. The boyish 20-year-old, who is also serving NS, bares his pixel-related bits to VOICES.

Why did you become a blogger?
It all began when I wrote gaming reviews for my online gaming website. Everything was self-taught. It gradually turns to an online diary when I couldn’t get free hosting anymore. I decided to have my own domain name and then I started writing about my own hobbies, collating what I have learnt and put them as tutorials on my website. It is a showcase of my interests and also acts as a platform to connect with like-minded people who appreciates my work.

The sense of satisfaction is indescribable.

Do you make any changes along the way?
Yes. Currently, Shaunchng.com is the 10th version (alright! Perfect 10!), and I won’t be making any changes on the layout for the time being as I am busy with National Service and I would like to concentrate more on tutorial articles and freelance projects.

You have a tag line which goes: Shaun Chng >> World of Lines. Does that describe your style of blogging?
(ponders) Sort of. While art works, photos, kit modeling consist of lines in different lengths and sizes, {“World of Lines” is also a pun on my online diaries where my blog is cast with several lines of text onsite, describing my thoughts.}

I understand you won a web design award in 2002 and that gives you the motivation to venture into website freelancing. How did you get those cool ideas?
It’s not the award, but the recognition that counts. I felt that my efforts are paid off. I get ideas at anytime, and anywhere I go – in the trains, walking down the streets, chatting with my pals. Sometimes, I even get ideas in my dreams! I just scribble those ideas on my notepad before I doze off again!

Do you have any role model or favourite blog that inspires you?
No, not anyone in particular. However, I found good art works fascinating and I am glad that I can search for them online. That is also one of the driving forces for me to perform better.

What trends do you see in the blogging culture in Singapore? Do you think peer pressure is affecting how teenagers blog today?
I believe peer pressure has got some influence in teenagers as it gets more popular. The fact that one-stop publishing companies such as Pyra Labs (now bought over by Google) who introduce {blogger.com or blogspot.com} has made blogging so easy that it takes less than 15 minutes for a simple blog to appear online.

When you know of someone who owns something online, it’s natural for one to follow suit as you wanted to be part of the trend. Suddenly, you can see blogs sprouting everywhere, and people communicating through blogs. Some blogs die off after the author lost interest or that the content loses its novelty which is a pity. But some will probably make a come back when they feel the heads ticking, who knows?

Do you receive any love-mail, hate-mail or even weird requests such as students asking you for “homework help”?
I do get words of encouragement like, “your art works look great!” But as for “I really admire you, can I be your friend?” emails from females, no …… I wish. (laughs) No “homework help”—that’s very flattering indeed, but I think I can consider charging from now on (wicked grin)………….

Then again, I get requests for joining web designing competitions from some organizers sometimes, so it feels great to be invited!

New York Times (27 May 2004) has recently reported that there may be three categories of people who blog – those who are compelled to blog, addicted to blog and dedicated to blog. How would you rate yourself?
None. I don’t see myself as being compelled or dedicated. Neither am I addicted to it. I am just a simple guy who loves to explore and put my ideas online whenever I can (nodding his head in approval).

Aren’t you afraid that someone might steal your ideas?
Nah. (shrug) Not at all, {though it tends to bug me a little. In fact, that shows that my works are worth stealing! (laughs) Generally I showcase my work with trust, assumptions and good intentions of responsible people respecting my work and obeying my copyrights.} Moreover my intention is to share my knowledge with others.

Given your interests and talents, do you see yourself becoming a full-time web designer after NS?
Oh yes. It’s definitely one of my few dreams. (Getting serious) I am working towards that now.

I realize you put up some words of “twisdom”. Any tips for fellow blogger wannabes?

  • Design Layout

    It does not need to be filled with complicated designs. Keep them simple and easy to read as it irks readers when they can’t find information that they want or that the information is too cluttered for easy reading.

    Map out your content and navigation buttons on a plain sheet of paper so that you know how much information there is to avoid overloading. Proper categorization of information is the key and the overall design must look pleasant. Good colour combination is very important as that brings out the flavour of your blog.

  • Do sufficient research

    There are number of questions that you have to start asking:
    i. What kind of software should I use? Am I comfortable with it?
    ii. Can I afford to pay for my own domain name and server to host it? If not, who are the providers that offer free hostings?
    For example, blogger.com, blogspot.com, and lycos.com offer free hostings but of course they come with advertisement banners.
    iii. Quick tips and coding resources can also be easily found online.

  • Photos/Images/Illustrations

    It is good to have some nice pictures, but that’s not compulsory — if you have it, it’s a plus. You can search for royalty-free photos ( so that you don’t get copy-right issues) online, or snap/draw your own, if you like, as nothing beats your self-creation.

Ok, I realize you have not thought of any poll question for your website and I understand it is still in process. Do you mind spilling the beans for our readers?
Erm …… (ponders with a sheepish grin), I think I would probably ask if they prefer to place their toilet rolls over or under on the toilet holder.


Well, on a serious note, this is what I hope to achieve – a mini portal that is stimulating and entertaining for the surfers at the same time.

Yes, Thanks, Shaun, I got it and I would love to see some humorous poll questions one day. I am sure our readers would be glad too. If you need any tips on web designing, just check him out. Meanwhile, he is busy doodling, writing, typing, ………………….

AOH logo done!


On a lighter side, found some time today to come out with a design for the Army open house 2004 logo the creative commitee wanted. You can check out the final version of the preliminary logo here. *arr* *clears throat* heres a short explaination of the design:

  • Helmet– Almost all army vocations wears the helmet, it reflects on safety too, the in-thing now.
  • Colourful Upward Pointing Arrows– Signifies the colours, vibrancy of the combat arms & units.
  • Red/White Background– Colours of the Singapore flag.
  • Futuristic Rendered Fonts– The army as a technological advanced army.

Feel free to drop some comments on it.

Little quezy


Didn’t get much sleep over the last few days, partly because of duty on Friday. On the contray I was glad it was weekday duty or it could be worst… Weekends away from camp are the ONLY time to enjoy life we so long desire in camp, so Saturday was pretty much spent at home with my family. To start the sunday, spent a few hours fragging people on XP cases servers before dropping by BayArea TFC servers for awhile, as I don’t really feel like working… Had this very typical “feverish feeling” throughout the day, maybe I didn’t get enough rest or so, resistance must have greatly deteriorated. But I more of less drank lots of water to keep the fever at bay. Looking back funny I didn’t feel sick yesterday- at the peak of my triedness. On top of the 10hours of sleep I’ve yesterday, I still woke up tried this morning & dammit its back to camp again tonight with me as a duty sgt for the day. Hope I can come out better tomorrow or I have to give tomorrow’s schedule & training a go with somemore rest.

A post for thought…


And here I am posting from my friend’s house after waterpool training tonight. Cheers to Whelan, Darryl & John who’s computer I am at posting this blog now. Looking back, Its a rather interesting week, firstly with me getting another shitty extra from my PC *darn* together with John, who actually ummm, got 2? Theres more, followed by lots of prep for activities in camp. Furthermore didn’t know that the Army open house thing which I expressed interest in joining was actually something at a scale so big: our job scope is very much a publicity job, very much of promoting the event with the media, adverts & even the NDP. Though I don’t want to count the chickens before they are hatched but the shirt which could be used in the open house may actually be designed by my commitee- the AOH creative commitee.

WP1.2, Start of work.. again


Upgraded to wordpress 1.2, didn’t really know bout the new version, thanks to Lest who I met online just now.

And mm its sunday & the long block leave is coming to an end now, & its time to book into camp tonight… again.. *dang!*

And mmm wonder how is the Singapore idol auditions going on now?…



Received an unexpected message from Lester this morning my old secondary classmate asking to meet at 2pm for the usual “old class gathering”. So how can I pack 5 scheduled items nicely in one day…

As first things first, as planned in the morning theres an interview in the morning with crescene. Besides some minor problems on the meeting place, everything went rather smooth & fine.

Cleared all my driving lessons in 18 sessions fast & swift, but its something my instructor today didn’t like. He said that I am too fast, people usually complete it within 20-30 lessons, so I don’t have enough experience which he demands. Personally, I went for my all my other lessons as it is, no bugging or rushing & its up to all my other instructor’s decision to give me how many stamps per lesson depending on my performance, I didn’t choose the pace, all my other instructors did, I don’t know why this one is such a sore thumb. He passed my evaluation anyway. Funny despite all the comments though…

Met up with my cousin at Jurong East after. Took a train to Dolby Ghaut, dropped by PS for some long john silver’s followed by a walk to shed the calories towards the nearby Sunshine Plaza near Parklane to buy a birthday present for my sis. Got an Anime DVD “Full Metal Panic” at $60, luckily mum & dad agreed to chip in a sum, so it won’t be that bad… And mmm *noting on the calender* Father’s day would be on the 20th this month, same day as my sis’s birthday double the gift expenditure, but less the need for 2 dinners for the occasion(s).

Linked up with Lester, Desmond & gang at hereen, as usual the topic for guys our age is always army talk… Had a light dinner at one of my friend’s shop at Chinasquare.

Went to chomp chomp at serangoon for dinner, the place is so packed- literally a smoke house crowded with people, dunno how can people survive in there its just too hot in there, even the ventilation fans server no other purpose but to blow back hot oily air emitted from the hawker exhaust. We couldn’t find a seat anyway so we had dinner at a much well & spacious new hawker center nearby. My mum did some grocery shopping at her favorite “angmo” supermarket in Angmokio before visiting my grandma & calling it a day.

Lady drivers


Well it struck again, I guess one of every 5 instructors who taken me have something against lady drivers, its either being too “careful on the road” or a nitemare when it comes to fine skills driving in the circuit. It all either it boils down to one thing: the female of the species are not very inclined to handle machinery such as cars. Haha, what do you think? I personally do not want to be brainwashed into thinking like the stereotypical male driver, I’ve always believed in equality *yea, yea*. However, I had not driven on the road long enough to see or experience any “mishaps” *whoops* or so, with the all common exception of taxi drivers zipping & cutting here and there. Everything’s fine.

Tomorrow in text…

Would be having an interview in the morning. Then would find some time to zip down the parklane area to find a birthday present for my sis. Thereafter, would be dropping down to bukit batok driving center again for my final driving evaluation. Mmm and guess what? my last practical on my training book was booked with an instructor alocation within my f.i.s grouping. If I can long remember the last time I was actually taught by him was in the very early, first few lessons of the course. Then its always a different instructor day-after-day thanks to my all but never-ending last minute bookings. Guess we would be meeting again for the last lesson… hehheh, then it’s “see here! show ’em what’ve learnt dude!” After that, think my cousin would be joining me later in the day for some shopping, if time premits, maybe catching Shrek2 shouldn’t be much of a problem. Then its some dinner appoinment with my parents before I could call it a day.

Sony to halt PDA sales outside japan


Consumer-electronics giant, Sony is expected to announce that it will no longer sell its Clie handheld anywhere except Japan.

Sony plans to run down stocks in Europe and the US, only launching new models in Japan, according to sources close to Sony France.

Considering that Sony makes one of the best & coolest handhelds to date, this news is not only saddening to loyal clie users but a blow too for Palm OS supplier PalmSource. 🙁

Sources: ZDnet, Op gadget.

Bye lessons, hello test *gulp*


Its the peak of the driving frenzy. There are 6 more stamps left in my training record book, with a little math here (& there) estimated that I should be able to clear all the lessons in bout 3-4 practical slots.

When things are heating up, just say that I went crazy & went booking 2 consecutive lessons tomorrow from 1pm to 4.30pm & one lesson on friday (I could had got another 2 if the system didn’t stop me 😛 ), plus one more on saturday in case I didn’t pass my evaluation 🙁 . All in hand, hope all will go well this week… Should be able to book my final driving test, targetted in a week or so… mid june at least.

must try to pass on the first attempt then… :mrgreen: