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Monday, February 24, 2025
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Chirstmas eve dinner


I am back from camp, all much really in one piece, almost got a fever last night (37.3) after some major mud pool crawling in the day. It just that typical cold and hot feeling- a tell tale sighn of some fever coming. Whats more we have to even eat lunch, rest and march back to camp from the training area in clothes so soiled from top to bottom, you can’t even see the colour of your green uniform below the googy brown solidifying stinking mud. Not to mention my rifle which only managed to cough up 2 blanks before being jammed in its own internal mud collection after being completely submegred in the mud pool as well.

Then I thought, oh shit, sick on chirstmas eve? but then thankfully, one of my platoonmates offered me some panadol which kinda brought the fever to a (36.7) this morning. Feelin kinda “heaty” now and having not a very good throat either but otherwise “manageable” and recovering after some drinking some “cooling tea” my mum specially brewed for me. Really appreciated that.

Too bad I gotta miss my old sec sch classmate’s bbq last night, if not it would be a bash. Had a nice time dudes? Think so…

Dad’s off for some special overtime work today hadn’t been back since. Oh well, that sucks personally, for me even if there overtime. I think I would be dropping by sometime today of tomorrow to get my new electric guitar, hope by brining mum along, she would pay for it as a christmas present *duh, evil me*

Christmas eve dinner coming next… mmmm sounds nice…

Currently Listening: Busted – Crashed the wedding (2:58)

Jingle bells jingle bells jingle bells rockz


Christmas is coming in 4 days yea and it’s shopping time too. I had never gotten my hands so full and spending so much money in such a short time, but hey that only happens once in a year! On the lookout, the weather forecasts more melted snow falling in drips from the sky these days, good news to taxi drivers around the shopping area…

For me, I guess I would be missing two christmas meet-ups/parties because of SAF’s dumb booking out rule, they would rather us singing carols, living thinking of people enjoying roast on the dinner table and havin’ get togethers outside than getting us out for some parties of our own. I would be booking out only on christmas eve’s afternoon and book in the very next day into camp on CHRISTMAS EVENING ITSELF! On my secondary school side I guess I would have to give the christmas eve’s eve BBQ a miss at Purmei hiltop and my JC’s friend’s house party on christmas night. On the bright side at least I can spend this christmas eve with a dinner with my family. Mum’s already made reservations at a resturant, where? it would be a surprise she says… ohh surprises….

Merry Christmas and a Happy new year everyone.

Currently Listening: Jessica Simpson – Rockin’ Around the Chirstmas T (2:05)

Weekend Enjoyment


*sniff* *sniff* Well, the flu outbreak here almost got me last friday, but I am happy that the fresh air we get from outfield jungle training clears sinus real good either- talking bout a thick layer of nose wax in there. *dig, dig* *roll* *catapult* ….*ducks return fire*

Last night’s dinner was good, held at Orchard Hotel, my family and uncle’s usual international 5 star buffet hangout. Only this time he’s treating (but as usual, everyone will just fight to foot the bill, its just so natural, but something fascinating to watch as to see whose credit card reaches the waiter first). The cuisines available that night are chinese, seafood, japanese and western, PIG OUT! Left the hotel with a deja vu of exploding if someone were to press you in the stomach, man should have cut down on the ice cream…

On a side note, returning now from camp is really now.. a drag… not to mention all the outfield activites, fast marches and PT we have in-camp. Usually our weekends are just spent at home resting and sleeping, hoping to recover from the strains and muscle aches in time for next week’s training schedules. Oh well, thats life in the army, *grunt* Now lemme see… *checks calender* its about slightly more than 1 and 1/2 years till I ORD and get out of army life. Then there comes freedom… I wonder fo people miss army life thereafter… they better not, cos there RESERVIST! argh! arrrggehh *getting into spasm* Mmm, on a bright side I did considerably well on my first in-camp theory test 98/100 to be exact *grins grins* And I wonder how can people get 10/100 in the same test too… ack ack *head exploding from ego-overload*

My usual net surf dosage gave me some money purging side-effects today. Its so as Swee Lee music store virus (or maybe the christmas shopping virus) is presently having this christmas sale going on lately- With a guitar set comprising of a Peavey Predator Guitar, Rage III amp and a HoME bag for $480!!! ($345 online payment, though I don’t really get the reduction in price for online payment) its a steal for such a price. Whats more? theres even free home delivery yipee! Hopefully it won’t be a “real steal” (gimmic) in the end. Would be trying to get enquires on the offer when their shops open tomorrow.

And Mmmm, didn’t know that many in the Singapore Siemens community would be so serious bout getting the SX1 phone, (and I thought I was!) after chatting with some in some Siemens handphone forum. Hope it won’t turn out so common as the Nokias (Most Singporeans are biased toward Nokia branded handphones), then it would be so bleach! – common! (

Currently Listening: Rave – Techno Cocaine (4:08)

SX1 here soon…


Most handphone stores are now spotting an area in their showcases with a modeled version of my intended SX1 smartphone, (all coming soon they say), they did better do!.

Currently Listening: DJ Tiesto- Forbidden Paradise (Deep Trance Mix) (4:15)

And whew.. I got a GBA SP now…


Didn’t know the gamboy game Mario and Lugi superstar saga is such a hot game and tops at gamespot either, glad I got that game. The photos of my bike course are developed, not bad I say. But I guess it would be forever when I could even find time to ge tthem scanned

Currently Listening: Lionel Hampton & Oscar Peterso – Tenderly (10:14)

A rather “perfect” weekend


Got one of my coursemates, John to give me a lift in his dad’s car to clementi MRT station after booking out from camp yesterday, after some tough training. There was one group who initially wanted a junk food junk-out after losing considerable glucose levels during yesterday morning’s power training. But it was all turned down due to last minute plans. It had been sometime since I’ve been to Clementi central wither and a memorable one I say, since my primary school days. After exploring around I guess what Clementi needs are more stationary stores as getting paint markers was really a pain- part of the dumb army stores to get by monday, lucky I had a few more buddies getting stuffs for my concurrently at beach road, thank goodness for that, it not I wouldn’t have much a weekend. Had lunch at a coffee shop there, never felt so “independent” before (as my parents are overseas and sis on a school camp), but hey at this price, freedom comes into play. *grins*. And so the rampage shopping after that, my memory didn’t failed me and 147 was the bus to take from clementi central to chinatown, people’s park complex where I got my GameBoy Advanced SP for bargain at $140 plus a hardcase. The games on the otherhand are expensive, setting me back a further considerable amount, but hey payday was past few days ago, no grumps…

I had not been to the Chinatown, The Majestic before, which was used to be a old chinese theater which was refurbished into a small shopping center. Hopped down to the popular bookstore there at the topmost level for some browsing. But bleah! almost half of the books there are all chinese books, but I could comment on the rather nice redwood theming of the store, very cozy indeed. The new UK robot magazine series kinda caught my eye, and it had been sometime since I collected or even seen such book/magazine series I last collected e.gBugs, Takeoff, etc… oh well, for $5 as a introductory first issue, it was simply up to be grabbed…. by me.

Reached home at bout 5pm. Phew! finally found some relaxation after finally getting hold of paint markers at BM central and urghh! doing the laundry at home. Dinner at 162 family restaurant was on later in the evening as cooking at home didn’t even crossed my mind and some hopeful, last minute shopping was planned thereafter. The funny thing was that everything seemed perfect as everything was there when I wanted it to be- shops are opened even when it past closing time and stores which I didn’t expect to sell stuff I want, have them… very weird feelin indeed… but it most importantly got the job done and didn’t give me headaches which I was expecting either.

It was a rather eventful saturday, sunday is a day I which I plan to slack at home and rest as I guess those muscle aches would start coming in then.. but ackk! look I spent $350 in 6 hours!

Currently Listening: Techno Remix – Ghostbusters (4:06)

Mega Combo dude


Last week was a week full of missions, both interesting but rather demanding as well. It was like having 3 topo exercises all in one week, a mega combo dude. Did 7km in 36mins this week, not very good I say. Thurs had an expected nightsoff day, dropped down to orchard to reco a new phone for my dad, shopped at Heeren for some games and music, got No One lives Forever 2 (boxed) for $9.90 at PK. Orchard midpoint foodcourt was a place for dinner and bubble tea.

Sat was a day of Navy Seals ziplock bags, diver torches, beach road army market shopping.. *duh* waste of time. Lunch today was at California pizza kitchen at forum, meets with my old JC friends Ernest, Christina, Shup, YingXian, Jhong, Quan and Terence. Gobbled up 6 full pizzas then. More shopping at Taka, Wisma, no signs of the release of SX1, damn… Would be having dinner with my fam at brickworks before booking in tonight. Would be moving to Pasir Laba camp this thurs, start of camp helltime… I hope I would able to get back home this weekend without confinements… Doodalo, my parents would be overseas for a holiday next weekend and my sis, on some camptrip, it would be a quiet 2nd week of december for me. Till then, chaos…

Currently Listening: Accadia – Blind Visions (Yahel Edit) (5:08)

Lotsa crap worth noting…


In am in the mood for a long entry, hey so what word processors and spellcheck for right? they just invite you to spew out “text” so easily… This is gonna be quite a long entry, mind my blabbering…

And so there was me, pretty much cracked yesterday whether onto getting the Garmin 12XL GPS ($330 ouch!) to “illegally aid” my outfield topo exercise next week, or close one eye and turn the other to a Gameboy Advanced SP (GBA SP). The lowest priced GBA SP unit retailing in Simlim Square for $160SGD without games (and I wonder how can other stores sell them at $180 in other stores in the same shopping center, makes me super paranoid esp towards the cheaper versions). In the end, whew, just walked off the stores with just Need for Speed Underground ($49.90) trying to ignore and not regret my buying impulses later on…

Opinion- NFS Underground
Need for speed underground is not a bad game altogether, and I believe this is not the best EA can push the gameplay and car modification ablities to- would be looking forward to that in the next successor of NFS. Visual-wise, I can say its either me or my Ti4600, but the track details, lighting and reflections are indeed the best we can see in racing games presently- with high polygonal worlds, authentic signboards and advertisments, all finished with real time rendered reflections to the car and surroundings. Though the reflection-update rate can be faster (even when if the settings are maxed) for a more fluid feel. The interface is definatey more crappy than the previous NFS series, partly being a multi-platform game (supporting xbox, ps2, GBA), therefore getting around menus require more of cursor movements on PC than mouse. But of course the game’s different gameplays (circuit, sprint, drag, timetrail, drop(lap)out, drift) do offer (and cover) the various aspects one would desire of street racing, not to mention the rockin ingame music (which is kinda repetitous with a small collection though) and extreme customisation (with real manufacturer names) I say, its a game recommended for NFS fans, anyone itching for the underground feel or still riding on the fever of the fast and furious.

Verdict (Good, 3.5/5) Test Machine P4 2.5GHz, 1GB DDR333, GF4 Ti4600, MSI sis648 Max Mobo, 2x80GB IBM 120GXP, SB AudigyDE, all settings maxed @ 1024x768x32.

Back to blog
Ok now to Incamp stuffs, one of my bunkmates, CG brought a DVD player last week with tons of anime DVDs (Full metal panic, Slayers, etc…) Anime mecha… I like.

This pretty much woken me up from my “inventive freak sleep” few years ago after several failled attempts to create a mech (don’t laugh). I just feel that given the freedom, a reasonable budget and building space here in sunny Singapore, I would try building a mech in my backyard. Its no joke and I am no fanboy either, just feel that how neat it would be to have mechs roaming around it would be just something the world could do with. (even when if T3 skynet bots or matrix “creatures” were to come after me) Considering all my “day-dream design”, experiments with mechcanial locomotion and programming with lego mindstorms robotics, than maybe a few parts from a dumped segway for gyroscopes, scrap metal, decent engine and a hydraulic pump and pistons from maybe, an excavator, then we can see things start coming together. Minus the tedious need to write an operating system for it later… *crapload grin*

Physical training-wise, succesfully completed 2x6km runs within 31mins during the week (so thats about 5mins for 1km). Just wondering that since I had been training for long distance runs these few weeks, I have yet to test my short burst runs for 2.4km nafa tests, hope I can get at least 9m30s during the next run.

And yea, not to forget the boring car driving theory lesson I attended yesterday.. ZZzzzz. highway code lessons had never been so boring ever since I took the test for my bike license. I think I would be jumping straight in evaluation and BT Test sometime next week. On the practicals, lucky for me, my dad knows an old friend who heads a private driving school by the name of Boon (thats his name btw) he guarantees a faster route, at the same time saving more $ by not learning thru BBDC’s own instructors. That I have yet to see for myself. However, since all my elder cousins who were recommended to Boon for lessons and all passed on their first driving test, we will see, we will see….

Oh well, outfield glory and nitemare coming up next mon… argh!

Currently Listening: Linkin Park – PaperCut (3:05)

Unexpected entry


Didn’t expect to be back home tonight, anyway would be up at 5 am tomorrow for breakfast at some nearby food center before heading to camp for guard duty. The thought of it just makes you even more sian considering all the guard duties I’ve did since I enlisted (BMT-1, Sispec-1, now in unit-onemore?) were all 24hr guard duties! dang… The only thing looking forward to now is the offday I can hopefully psycho my ang chek to give me this friday, so I can get my driving theory lessons cleared on saturday itself. Hope nothing happens during duty tomorrow, tata, for now…

Currently Listening: Bomfunk MC’s – Uprocking Beats (3:43)

Prep for the week


Its dang back-to-camp-time again, this time I am armed with more stuff for the week, namely 9 magazines (the most in a week so far), gameboy to keep me time-filled in camp, maybe… too during the guard duty on tuesday.

Hopefully I would be able to book out on friday, so I can take my driving lessons on saturday morning. In the meantime, you other lucky few who get to book out on monday night, enjoy it while you can, cos I am getting the off on another day!

Mmm, Spawn’s line up of matrix figures are kinda neat, saw a display at the kino comic shop at bugis. Very tempting to get ’em… dang impulses!

Currently Listening: ULTRA BEAT – BIG ANG (RADIO EDIT) (3:18)

A “worthwhile” day


Today will be unlike most of my usual saturdays. Namely able to actually get out of camp with energy to go to the driving center (Bukit Batok) for registration, shop and even spend the night out after a long hard shag week. And so there I was book(ed)-out, hailed a cab for a 6 bucks trip to BBDC (no bonuses, its not crazy taxi dudes), then theres registration, instant photos, briefing and stuff loads. (thought he chick at the cashier counter was cute) then it a walk to bukit gombak MRT for some lunch, didn’t find anything nice to eat there so took an MRT to westmall for lunch at the 4th level foodcourt.

Drop by cyberactive, Need for speed Underground is up at stores for a solid $49.90, would be waiting for the price to drop to around $44.90 before purchasing it. Otherwise, theres always the heeren card discount to bring that down (yea bout that too, I just recieved it.. yea!)

Damn, next tuesday would be a public holiday, Hari Haya Puasa. But not for me as theres camp guardduty up my ass. But luckily for me my CSM aka “ang chek” argeed to give us guard duty personnel a day off in the (very) near future. Would be looking forward to that. *grins*

And so there came the unexpected message from Lester this morning too, kinda last minute and almost got my schedule messed up for awhile. As it would be good to get together us sec sch friends again and catch up with times. In the end, managed to allocate for a 8.30pm meet at TB plaza after dinner with my fam at AV.

After trying out the GBA SP I loaned from my bunkmate over the weekend, still deciding whether to invest in a gameboy advanced SP, they can play quite afew3D games now, not to mention a great time buster in-camp. Or should I stick to the Java games and emulators in my phone instead? *dot*dot*dot*

Currently Listening: Linkin Park – One Step Closer (2:35)

This ends this sunday.


Today is another day spent a home, not a day wasted but very much more productive than the previous week. First of all, got in touch of one of my “long lost” cousins. Hadn’t met her for quite sometime. She found me on friendster, kinda unexpected though and we did have some good time chating, keeping up on times. Glad that she did so too.

And soo, another trip to local library was up thereafter in the afternoon and that did get me out of the house for awhile.. while I managed to squeeze in a scheduled scandisk run for my comp while I am away, multitasking to the max you ask me? hehheh… returned some mags I borrowed last week and got somemore Maximum PC, Net and Motoring mags to kill time in camp, its just freaking boring there, esp when my dumb platoon commander just don’t seem to get the word “nights off” in his head.

Didn’t get to game much today (as expected). I had no time to play C&C zero hour, can’t really expect much as I hadn’t find time to complete my cobweb collecting Wc3 Frozen trone either. On top of that, I am really looking forward to the release of the Siemens SX1 phone next month, especially when my current SL45 mp3 phone had the right audio plug disconnected (and is beyond repair), talking bout surviving on mono tunes till I get my new phone…arghhh!

Camp-in here I go… hey! would be learning to use a heavy machine gun tomorrow.. whoa!

Currently Listening: BeeGees – To Love Somebody (2:59)