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Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Home Blog Page 180

Its sunday, lets talk bout saturday


Didn’t find time to get to Bukit Batok driving center yesterday, as book-out was quite late in the afternoon. Its time to get my fitness back up again last week with two 4km runs within 22 mins and 20mins respectively, not bad considering I had not trained for 1-month+

Home time is net time as usual. Did some regular catching up on news and happenings on the web and hey, found out from club-siemens.com that my next intended phone (SX1 which I am aiming to purchase next month) is capable of playing N-gage games, all you need is a simple rip from some program. Infact I think that the SX1 plays better, running on a faster processor (Texas 130MHz) than the N-gage (ARM 104Mhz), furthermore with a bigger (176×220 pixels) and better (16-bit TFT to a 4096 color) screen. I think the only drawback is the lack of an ergonomic D-pad and action buttons the N-gage has.

Purchased an MS intellimouse to replace my mouseman, together with C&C generals zero hour from PK Hereen, (though it felt good to strike an item off my wishlist, I can’t find time to complete Zero Hour though) together with some tribal chockers from Annex. Hereen is having a membership card special and it kinda caught me by surprise when I was told that I am entitled to a 1 year free membership hereen card (something they should so after spending more than 100bucks on them) Its something not very prestigous either, (something I say people would have in their wallets for a “neat” factor) as old uncles and antics are also signing up for em there. *duh*

Things are really getting boring around here, haven’t working those braincless for months in the army can really mess up your vocal and spelling, considering the standard of english people have in the army. I am starting on a new hobby, namely modeling/sculpting. It just seem that the figures available on stores (eg spawn) don’t really *umm* fit my taste, so I guess its best it I were to do the figures themselves myself. Already gotten a nice batch of clay for my first work.

Theres a new garfield movie coming out check it out at www.garfieldmovie.com. Futhermore, this site now can be accessed thru a link mirror http://ratz.b0x.com from now on. Cool isn’t it?

Currently Listening: Kenny G – Unchained Melody (3:39)

Back to camp


Tonight is book-in day again, after one month of out-camp training… *sigh* good “luxuries” have to come to an end. Got all my barang barang packed and ready. Here we go.

Currently Listening: Tatu – 30 Minutes (3:23)

Site add-ons


As you can see, there are a few minor site improvements and add-ons, namley the rss 1.0 feed. Other than that nothing much though…

Currently Listening: Moby – Star Wars Rmx – Oracle (5:17)



Well, this is my first posted entry using w.bloggar’s niffy blog posting program, not bad I say it is a souped up version of blogger’s templates, only that the interface is definitely more user-friendly towards people who don’t really know much html or web-based scripting language. For me, I am just too lazy to compile my scripts from scratch, hey thats what such programs are for right? why make like so difficult…

And yea… theres nothing much to do today, so dropped by Simlim and Bugis for while, there are few hot movies coming out namely a disney one which I didn’t really catch the name. Terminator 3 is up on DVD and VCD now, its relatively fast for movies nowadays to be available on medias or screened on TV, compared previsouly (bout 1 year + wait)

Would most prob dropping by BB driving center tomorrow to register for my class 3 driving lessons. When I come to think about it even if I do get my class 3 license, I would be driving my dad’s car all the while till I get a stable (high payin?) job, then I can afford my own. However, thinkin’ bout it, owning a bike would be neat for personal use, not to mention the cool factor, but it would be something my parents would skin me alive for doing so- they are just so biased against riding motorcycles, even when I have a “M” class 2B bike license now!

Currently Listening: Ultrabeat – Deeper than oceans – Beyond The Stars (3:30)

@^#*# Input devices!


Played some CS on Xpcases.com servers and a little warcraft 3 in the morning. After some experimenting here and there, I found out given the different playings styles available, the agreesive, “rush first” tact will tend to get you the most frags, but too with a high death rate, but you can easily take out 2-3 guys off in return.. But all these are kinda cut short by some hardware problems.

My mouse had been screwin’ up for quite sometime lately (Logitech Mouseman dual optical). Could be some hardware compatiblity fault (which I dun seem to work after countless troubleshooting), no wonder Logitech no longer have this particualr model in production. It sux to have one button inactive occasionally, sometimes the left and sometimes the right button goes unresponsive. It also could be due to the cheap mouseware problem, going thru countless reinstalls and driver rollbacks- Dumb software. After desperately looking into the logitech forums, I can say I am not he only one having problems with mouseware, it just sux.. bigtime, everyone’s not happy with it either.

I would actually give the Logitech MX series a try, but after hadin it with it (and this being my 3rd logitech mouse change), I think I would settle for Mircosoft’s intellimouse series. Still decding whether to get the regular mouse or the desktop set as my current keyboard is kinda screwed (esp after those hardcore FPS gaming keys WASD are goners) Then theres the bluetooth desktop, mmm talkin’ bout using the keyboard to SMS/EMS/MMS wirelessly to your bluetooth enabled handphone? neat!



“Get your stuff back by 8pm tonight in FBO with camo on, we would be going for a 7 day field camp afterwards” said my PC.. *all stunned*…

Haha, but it was only all a joke which left many of us very much momentarily shaken today after work. Though some of us expected it to be a joke, but he nevers joke with us before and it feel so real as he’s always so serious in what he says

Oh well, so today ends the bike course. (and its the opening day of Matrix Revolutions too) Got the bike license and a cert to go with it. This too marks another transisition in NS for me and yea, It would be a long weekend for us CPLs till sun nite, book in nite. Till, then parrty time!

Currently Listening: Eninem- Without Me

Bike license, finally!


After arriving at the driving center this morning, the usual radio tuned @ Class 95FM was usually noisy at the locker shed. Namely making “noise” (aka celebrating) bout the Subaru Impreza challenge- a winner finally emerged after 66 hours and 53 minutes. Who? 36-year-old David Gerard Felix a chief flight steward won the car, finally… heheh, it fffiinallyy over…. for now. Till next year.

Anyway, so much for him winning that, hough’ its not as crazy as David Blane’s latest stunt either. Oh well, onto work matters. Tomorrow will be the last day of my biking course, so there will be some function aka farewell party. Moreover, I can say tata to the 7-5 work times, cos it would be stay-in from Thursday onwards. However, on top of that, I would be getting my class 2B license tomorrow too yea!

Looking back, I kinda breezed thru the motorcycle course without a hitch I can safely say, remarkably, I passed every single test in the course on the first attempt… *pats self on back* hehehe and yea, the off road riding today was SHIOK dudes! mudpools and camel humps rule!

Wake, surf, pack, game, eat, sleep


Today is no spectacular day, just another day into the records for lazing around the house and playing computer games… Uh well.. at least I did do something productive.. like say adding a 5% to the completion of Mission Impossible aka project-tidy-my-room-up before my parents freak me out. Otherwise, its in for more slacking till tomorrow, yea tomorrow, another work day… dang…

Mmm, talkin’ bout work, the dirt bike course will end this wednesday, after that, the luxury of an 8-5 job would be over. I would get my probation class 2B license by then, than it would be stay-in till ORD… damn…

On a side note, did find some interesting stuff today on friendster, namely the accounts of… Osama and Dr Mahathir’s. LoL! Though they are obviously fakes, sometimes you need a laugh or so. So what’s next? Hitler’s or Linkin park’s Chester account?

Currently Listening: Solid Base- Say with me

Thoughts for thoughts


Stores everywhere are putting up Christmas deco now, even before taking down their Halloween ones.. urgh! My mum obviously had nothing much to do, pulling me and my sis to a beauty spa at Midpoint, boring! Marche was the place for dinner and drinking yesterday, the grill area is having a chicken mushroom stew with mashed potatoes… *slurp* then theres the usual finishing pizza, with my usual toppings of pineapple, prawns, peppers, chicken and ham. Theres no onstage performance tonight and gutton’s competition today.. so no free desserts. Lol!

There will be lots of hot phones coming out 4Q, 2003/1Q, 2004, namely the Nokia 6230, 7700 and Siemens SX1. I am currently deciding between the few. The 7700 is a little tad large being a PDA phone, but I love the touch screen and the full screen standard websurfing style/ablity (though 640×320 is a damn small res for websurfing now, but its a far cry from the other phones). The 6230 and SX1 are both similar in features, only that the Nokia 6230 is an EDGE 3G phone, being smaller, lighter but spots a smaller 128×128 screen and don’t run the better Symbian 60 series OS like the Siemens one.

And mmm, the Subaru impreza challenge is on for some days, this time there definately more competitors in the game with more cars compared to last’s year’s only one car. I wish them luck on it, frankly I see much better things to do than just putting your hands on a car for days or even weeks in a row, well…. Singapore *aheh* is well known for such endurance, esp queue power…. so let them show their stuffs.

So much for island-wide dirt bike riding on Friday and the day before, only thing’s that last night’s night riding is definately more interesting than the rest- RAIN! yea, it definately adds to the thrill, danger and exciting, not to mention going at bout 75km/h max on the ECP.. kinda slow, but not on a bike!… fun! hehheh.. Public bike riding riding don’t scare me now… da horns just grow naturally on ya head, and I can say the same for the rest in my riding team. Coming up on next monday is an island-wide off-road adventure, time to get down and muddy….

Matrix revoluions will be outin 3 days time… yea! but for now…. I gotta get rid of those cappuccino stains left on the keyboard this morning…..

Currently Listening: Blink 182- First Date

Ekk! Nokia again?


It had been sometime since I’ve used a dinky Nokia phone, (considering that my 1st two cellphones were Nokias, 880 and 3210). I had been a happy Siemens user since, always anxiously hoping (and waiting) for the release of the SX1 smartphone. But Siemens is very good at keeping their customers waiting- far better than I’ve ever expected, since june as a matter of fact. However, its all may start to change with the Nokia’s 7700, due to be released early next year.

It spots all the features of the SX1, only that its a 3G phone, plus a 640×320 touchscreen and a few nice extras. Its similarly compatible with the MMC cards I am using on my current phone and whats more than surfing the net and checking ya mail (or clearing junk mail) with this baby. It relatively small for its size too- feature wise, compared to Sony Ericsson’s “brick” aka P800, even the new P900/P810 don’t seem to raise much eyebrows either.

The only thing pulling me back from getting the 7700 is the dumb security features Nokia always have on their phones, not to mention the hassle of downloading games and ringtones – its always so restricted and inflexible compared to how Siemens does things, also Nokia is such a common handphone brand in Singapore- BORING. Mmmm… but if no other better phone were to be released during this “window period”, I would go for the Nokia then.

Currently Listening: John Mayer- Bigger than my body



The was dirt bike off-road training today… I love the dirt (not literally), just feel that I-am-one with offroad vehicles, love the way they roar and handle over all terrain conditons, its just shiok, (esp clearing high hills motorcross style). Furthermore, rode with and as a pillion today, both at a circuit and PIE/CTE later on, got my campmate to give me a lift home. It was fun, esp hitting 90-100 on the freeways.. whee!

Mmm, Matric Revolution’s gonna be up on da big screens soon… will be looking forward to that… yea!

Currently Listening: Ministry of Sound– Delerium feat. Sarah McLachlan

Another pass to the collection…


Mmm, so whats new? I mean passing bike tests in arow don’t seem to offer much kick now, not to mention those who tried very hard to pass (opps!). So why the *freak* did I mention this? yea, becus I passed my public road riding test today… another test?… *raises arms momentarily* yay! oh well, *sniffs* One more week to the end of the bike course. Tomorrow- dirty-off-road-dirt-bike ridin’..

Currently Listening: DJ Tiesto – Close to you