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Friday, September 20, 2024

The Latest

Happy 42th Birthday Singapore!

Happy 42nd Birthday Singapore. Well, the National Day parade had just ended and it marks the seal of the first city bay area NDP for the nation’s 42nd birthday. Also it had been 10 years since I’ve actually watched NDP live and contributed as a performer as well. With that in hand I know the time and...

StarCraft 2 multiplayer gameplay demonstration video at BlizzCon 2007

Here are some quick snippets of the BlizzCon 2007 held in Anaheim Convention Center in Los Angeles. Few noticable annouvments include details on the new WOW expansion, World of Warcraft:Wrath of the Lich King with new large Ice worlds. Not to mention plans for a Warcraft Movie in the making (Computer Generated just like those in-game...

Citibank-YMCA Hope Run 2007

Run for Charity People! It's fusion of fun and sports, get-together and the best thing, it's in the benefit for Charity as well! HopeRun 2007 is a charity run and part of the Citibank-YMCA Youth For Causes 2007 programme, initiated by the YMCA of Singapore and Citibank (www.youthforcauses.com). The funds raised through this effort would go towards Hope Centre...

Ngee Ann Kongsi Scholarship 2007 Award Ceremony

The Ngee Ann Kongsi scholarship presentation was on today at the Teochew building along Tank Road. The ceremony saw almost close to 3/4 million dollars worth of scholarship and bursary awards given unconditionally in line with the Ngee Ann's long-time stand towards rewarding and helping deserving Teochew students for academic performance and excellence. Concurrently, there was a...

Radio Talk, Rod Monteiro’s ‘Good Service’ segment in Radio 91.3FM

I remembered going out for run few month ago always listening to my "favourite" radio station Class 95FM, well so as it was. I don't know why it's labelled 'Singapore's favourite English radio station' but I just always felt that something was missing in the shows they have. Then it finally struck me "why am I always...

Lose some, Win some, NAPFA Gold

There was like 3 written tests this week for me, namely Communication skills for entrepreneurs (CSE) final test which I personally won't be able to hit good 90+ marks for misreading the last question of the test. Mechanics III test was screwy too with some mistake(s) easily setting me to 70% total score, which contributes to 4%...

SP Rotaract Installation 2007 at SPGG

The SP Rotaract Installation 2007 was on last 20th July 2007, but didn't had the time to do an update until today where I actually have "some time" after few exam papers. Held at the Singapore Polytechnic Graduate's Guild Clubhouse Ballroom, I saw myself being the event camera man after Peili, the new Rotaract Club president elect invited...

Darius Birthday BBQ at The Caribbean

And here is it, the 29th and it's track mate Darius birthday party. Held similarly at his "second home" The Caribbean at the habourfront as that of last year. For those who have no clue of the The Caribbean, it's a joint built on the Keppel bay which, by Singapore standards, offer venice styled canals with constuction...

Booked SP NAPFA test, Running in the Fireworks

Did quite alot of registrations today. Registered for my Standard Charted Marathon considering that closing date for the direct mailer would be ending in about 2 days time. Would be registering for the New Balance RealRun the coming weekday. Prices for the realrun are the same for both 15km and 10km, while most kiasu runners will go...

Gaming Workstation MIA, exams sighted, training behind

My primary workstation is down again, actually since early last week due to some operating system corruption, but didn't have the time to dismount the backup drives and put in another install of Windows XP yet, being neck deep in projects and papers. But at least I would be away from my current game - Need for...

Seoul Garden Class Lunch

Well usually I don't blog about small little lunch events, but considering that this is the first time my class of DME FT/3A/10 is getting together for an official class outing, why not? With the semester class outing subsidy per student set at $7.50 per person now, what more to chow but at Taka Seoul garden at an...

Don’t be Kiasu on scholarships

Had a chat today with SAA student development officer, Mr Lee Ee Tat with regards to an invitation the SAA sent to selected students for a PSC bonded scholarship. I've recieved a invitation card from them last month or so, but disregarded the public reception and seminar (held at some hotel ballroom) due to the lack of...

Problems with new Coach

With a little time I have here after dinner and back from a Statistics Module test a moment ago, let me just share about the buzz going up with our new coach Coach S Pandian. I believe this is something only the year 2 and seniors of track and field can relate to, but not very much the...

Awarded Ngee Ann Study Scholarship!

Got an unexpected letter from Ngee Ann Kongsi last Saturday, I never knew that they would contact me again after I personally felt that I didn't do very well in the interview with them last week. Never do I know, upon opening up the letter, it reads: Your application for the Ngee Ann Kongsi Scholarship has been considered...

Post Mizuno Wave Run 2007 (Mizuno mud walk)

Hey I am back from the mud walk ummmm 2007 Mizuno wave run. If you've ran the event this year, I believe you will have quite a little too many comments on the organisation of the event. The morning started with a heavy downpour in the morning, which slowed gradually over time and eventually turned into a...

Transformers, Old Cartoons that deserve Movies, exams sighted

Hadn't had time to talk about transformers the movie which I caught previously on free passes (yea) funny that the movie didn't follow the old child hood memories I had on Optimus (flat front prime mover?), Megatron (walter giant cannon?) and Bubblebee (VW bettle) or just because of their scanner's they can turn into anything they want?...

With radioactivity come superpowers

About 4 x-rays and 1 CT scan over the last 6 months, mainly from injuries, think I am glowing green with radioactivity already. The coolest one will definately be the Siemens Somatom Definition Scanner, its just like star gate the movie revisited. Would be catching a late night transformers movie later. Got 4 free passes for a 9.50pm...

Dinner at Jackie Beer Garden, Lee Hup Seafood & BBQ

It had been a short weekend for me, with lots to do. With yesterday's chores and interview aside. Got about finishing some remainder home, umm-work this Sunday, yea specifically 4 tutorials and revisions to be done for the planned week before anything gets cramped during the next hectic week. Even I've not been running regularly now. Saw...

NDP 2007 Preview preview

Was at one fullerton last evening for a client update buffet and invitation at Walton International. It's planned together with the NDP early rehersal cum full show (aka preview's - preview). Where we got a nice balcony view of the celebrations from the other end of the bay. The main bay grandstand is packed with primary school childen...

Standard Chartered (SCM) Singapore Marathon 2007 Details

06/09/07 NOTE: Registrations for SCM 2007 are closing soon, there cap is 40,000 runners is reaching with about 2000 more places left! Registrations WILL close before the actual closing date. Got my Mailer Yesterday, in hand my massive annual update as per standard practice: The first details of the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon (SCM) 2007. Registration Closing Dates Direct Mailer:...

Travel Guides

Technology and Gadgets

Galaxy Ai 2024 new Fold 6 and Flip 6

Let’s take a hands-on of Samsung’s new foldable phones and wearables at this year’s Galaxy AI Unpacked 2024 event in Singapore. The global event...


Singapore Night Festival 2024

Singapore Night Festival 2024

Singapore Garden Festival 2024

Food Reviews

Kapitan Slavic Ukrainian restaurant

Let’s take a dine-in today visiting the Kapitan Slavic Ukrainian/Russian restaurant at Tanjong Pagar. The restaurant offers a curated offering of Eastern Europe. The...


Sport Events