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Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Latest

Geoff’s visit from Melbourne

Geoff's back in Melbourne now, on a flight last Tuesday. But I didn't actually found time to update (because of tests & such) on the gathering last Saturday: Its the time of the year again when my old classmate Geoffery come through thousands of kilometers back to Singapore to meet up & catch up on time as...

Standard Chartered Marathon

It was already 10.30am, the time where most marathon runners would start finishing. A very hot day last Sunday, with the sky clear blue & only a thin streak of white in sight - a morning scene to behold too at the Padang. Only thing is that I am not clad in my running attire, neither was...

Day at the Boys Brigade

Located near Zion road is where the Boys Brigade (BB) HQ is. The class pretty much spend the whole friday afternoon there. Part of the CIP hours programme thingie, most of our time packing boxes clothing, toiletries, foodstuff & toys collected/donated into the Sharity Gift Box 2005 onto pallets going out to various homes such as the...

SP Mini Triathlon

This was old news last saturday, but didn't find time to update the site due to a small fever coming out since last friday. Yes I ran a triathlon on the 27th Nov with a FEVER hahaha, slight though & came in the 10 top too. A mini one though: 200m swim, 6000m bike followed by a...

MRT no petrol ah?

No, its not your typical excuse to give when you are late. Apparently the MRT I was on today "broke down" because one of it's 48 doors refused to close, resulting in a 15min delay on a train packed no other than a can of sardines similar to that of Tokyo's rush hour. The staff all tried...

Ending November

School's rather manageable this week, with the exception of a few hiccups here & there, not to mention training in the rain last tuesday... still good, luckily didn't catch any fever or cold whatsoever, like what most people I know are having now.. eww "mucus-maximus" Highlights of the week includes workshop. Finally managed to get almost most of...

Singapore Waterless Washing Machine

Got some time up on surfing today, & see what our peeps in the university had came up with: A waterless washing machine that removes stains from garments in a few minutes has been developed at the National University of Singapore, the facility said on Wednesday. The appliance uses negative ions, compressed air & deodorants to clean clothes....

Tablet Research

Ahh Notebook research.. Been doing alot about it over the last month or so, though I always hate surfing & drooling over items which ultimately... I COULDN'T even afford in the first place. You know its something like Pictures---> wooo! *scroll**scroll* Specifications ---> wahh! *scroll**scroll* ---> Price: DANG! Its the love for technology I guess *grins* which always keeps...

Semester 2 Barghah!!

I guess I had been away for quite sometime, duh been quite busy lately, as usual with life, business & training. Nevertheless, semester 2 started rather slow & easy. Though I am taking EIGHT modules including GEMS bawrr! But I guess its gonna be quite a managable semester as subjects such as Character Development & Critical Reasoning Skills...

Weekenders Work – Nil!

Well its Sunday now, but I will just ramble about saturday 1st as I didn't actually had time to talk about my day trip to Johor - Malaysia yesterday! Saturday The whole of saturday was more of less spent at johor where dad brought us to his favorite western-chinese coffee shop some where in johore. While crossing the causeway,...

Workstation MIA

Yea, you guessed that right, my personal workstation blew up today. Duh! & here I am posting for the 1st time on my family living room computer.... 🙄 My system had been acting up the past few days, restarting randomly at first, I needed to get work done but heck how can I work on a system which...

Vertical Marathon 2005

Well its competition time again, a time to participate & compete for the fun of it. This time, its the swissotel vertical marathon. Responses to this year's event was so overwhelming that registrations have to be closed a month early. Luckily for me & my team we registered early. Met tiwazz, a SGrunner at the swatch shop...

Free Coffee! no wait! Chalet!

And free flow it was at NTUC BM, yesterday while doing grocery shopping. Haha the thing about us Singaporeans is to pounce onto anything we see free. What else the best things in the world are free right? lol aha.. ya if you wondering why am I grocery shopping again you guess that right if you've been...

Driving License – One year!

It comes a time in Singapore, where a driver will go ultimately go through the ritual to take down the probation plate after obtaining his/her driving license for one year. As scared as it can be as putting it up initially, its a day I had been long counting down too... haha! YEA BABY! its time! Today!...

1 Cockroach = 2 Free Dishes

Well, thats the case this evening at the Breeks cafe, HabourFront. I ordered my usual double servings of fish & chips + baked rice while dad got his chicken thigh set, Sheena with her baked pasta & mum with her chicken baked rice. Everyone was happily eating when I started on my 2nd serving - baked rice...

Visit to grans *Burp*

Then there was a Malay wedding ceremony Sheena had to attend before picking her up for dinner, & man do we have to drive like almost an hour or so before getting to Sembawang where the wedding is held... aka the-other-end-of Singapore as we know it. Luckily we were rewarded with some baryani rice, mutton & chicken...

Funny Nintendo Revolution Advert

Yea we all know that Sony's out with their PS3 next year, answering that too will be Microsoft's Xbox360, both spotting wireless controllers, new processors, engine & such. But I guess nothing much can offer the interactivity the Nintendo Revolution offers. In place of the all standard game controller is a rather unique "TV remote" styled controller...

Sheares Bridge Run/AHM 2005 Photos

Its finally out, the photos of the Sheares Bridge Run/AHM 2005 by sportsphotoX.com. I can't search the photo archive by names, but only by our bib numbers. Furthermore, it took them about one week before all the pictures came online, just like the previous Newbalance RealRun. Did a search & the 2 here are the best I've...

The week recaptionation

Last week was peak exam week, so we only go back to school for papers. Its like back-to-back days on the "ulu" hours back to school where nobody's up, or down! even the buses all all empty mid afternoon.. On a sidenote, there was some problem with the web server mid week onwards, not allowing me to...

Sheares Bridge Run/AHM 2005

Had wanton mee for breakfast at Redhill Market, as the usual "econo beehoon" store wasn't open so early at 4.30am. Oh well the early bird gets the worm then. Upon reaching the padang, as expected the place was already packed when I was there, not to mention the traffic & carparks there. Pre race: Desposited my bag &...

Travel Guides

Technology and Gadgets

Galaxy Ai 2024 new Fold 6 and Flip 6

Let’s take a hands-on of Samsung’s new foldable phones and wearables at this year’s Galaxy AI Unpacked 2024 event in Singapore. The global event...


Singapore Night Festival 2024

Singapore Night Festival 2024

Singapore Garden Festival 2024

Food Reviews

Kapitan Slavic Ukrainian restaurant

Let’s take a dine-in today visiting the Kapitan Slavic Ukrainian/Russian restaurant at Tanjong Pagar. The restaurant offers a curated offering of Eastern Europe. The...


Sport Events