- Muggle money for wizarding money anyone?
- map of the potions classroom scene
- the house sword
- there are many of these around the studio
- floaty!
- House layouts
- Before plunging into the white!
- Note the 3 tiered office
- The think tank!
- our next stop...
- loads of portraits
- bad hair day I presume?
- Dumbledore's Office!
- Gringotts vault door up close
- but not as bad as this!
- Flying ship!
- floorplan of said 3 tiers
- Oh hi Snapes!
- so many Hegwigs!
- the self stirring pot
- notice the sorting hat?
- Covered here are concept sketches
- end ride photos!
- set with exact details
- some attention to detail
- overview of the potions right room
- The quidditch cup
- passport punch stations throughout
- spot the random snitch!
- digging the lighting
- moving off from the class
- more info on the handheld
- planetery!
- desk detials
- The griffin stairwell
- mirror.. mirror on the wall
- the stairwell is mostly CG
- the potions classroom
- the "wand storage"
- down to the details
- the (green screened) invisible cloak
- It's Shaun approved!
- Overview of the model sets
- More random musings
- complete with it's shrunken head!
- Chests russian doll style!
- The hogwarts castle!
- interactive info screens
- The weasley home (Burrow)
- The Gryffindor common room