- Tickets GET!
- villians always get the fancy eye-patches
- A Shrek 4D ride should be near...
- going airbrone!
- let the show begin!
- we might find dinosaurs here!
- entering the black hole
- Fun spotted!
- Sploosh!
- in the said black hole
- losta jetskis
- looking back the full stretch
- get yer park maps!
- yep, sounds about right
- the uneventful main entrance
- the waterworld stage
- we like to move it move it
- our first T-junction
- the hollywood walk
- & badabong!
- Waxy!
- wet!
- the agents were here...
- yep, it says hollywood!
- and foodies!
- The sentosa gateway train thingie of course
- An island of impending fun!
- the crowd!
- Ahoy Universal via the gateway!