Home 42395
- Gryffindor
- Slytherin
- The resort in the distance
- hi Hagrid!
- Lots of Indian culture info boards & statues here
- Bloomy!
- Severus Snapes and Dumbledore!
- The visitor center and conservatories
- the great hall in glory
- more hall shots!
- moving to the exhibits
- With a stick to the head!
- Conservatory ticketing booth
- scaffoldy!
- with entrances right at the ticketing booth
- The conservatories are the paid attractions here
- how it started
- there are lots to see here
- long queues are long!
- exclusive British production info
- rawr gator!
- I spy a waterfall inside!
- digital background info
- down for the conservatory entrances
- show directorship
- storyboarding
- Model of the great hall
- setting the props
- the other is the OCBC skywalk
- here we are at the iconic conservatories!
- The supertree grove at night
- The roof was a separate entity
- Home to the garden skywalk
- Added via CG into the actual set prop
- random fountain musings
- you can be up there...
- icey!
- The trees are also solar panels
- with irrigation pods too
- The whole supertree grove
- very nicely crafted props for the ball scene
- which cools the conservatories
- for $5 a pop!
- the great feast!
- details....
- the resturant at top!
- setting the direction in art
- Overview at night
- I think I am in chocolate heaven!
- more musings on the exhibit trail