Home 42711

- entrance to the broadwalk!
- The weasley home (Burrow)
- uplighters keeping with the dark theme
- the kinfe magically chops
- overview on the top
- with screen activation!
- the broadwalk may scare those with vetigo
- self knitting!
- so don't look down
- like all the way down!
- Muggle money for wizarding money anyone?
- the supertrees in the distance
- Gringotts vault door up close
- follow the grated brick road!
- Welcome to the Chamber of Secrets!
- The "door 'R' Us area"
- We have the Hogwarts doors
- an intersection!
- with random stairs being random
- floaty!
- Chests russian doll style!
- Trophies!
- Green is the colour of fashion in SFX
- bringing you around the mountain
- the lower catwalks
- along it side walls
- Did I mention stewart platform?
- digging the concept
- green is the colour of rides here
- the walkways overlaps
- talking about expensive kiddy rides!
- walking on the edge
- Quidditch game gear
- The green screen try out zone
- the Planted wall with visible floors
- look at the queues!
- wizardy!
- look ma no hands!
- if the mountain were real, then yea!
- You get to fly through different scenarios
- looking rather spacey
- end ride photos!
- the spell try out zone
- the hidden treasures section
- showcasing various limestone & precious crystals
- test your spell casting actions!
- a balcony!
- kazaboom!
- moving along the tour
- to experience the falls up close