- Duh, is that so?... duh
- NTU X Campus Run
- Fujitsu Siemens Pocket Loox T830
- BMW z10 2008 Supercar
- BMW z10 2008 Supercar
- BMW M1
- Revised N95i SDHC support
- Revised N95i Music Keys
- Revised N95i Battery Compartment
- Revised N95i Camera
- Heavy's Natascha Minigun
- The heavy killing gloves of boxing
- The heavy sandvich edible device
- The special awards 2008
- Interaction with Mr Lee Hsien Long, our Prime Minister
- Dr Yaacob Ibrahim, Minister of the environment and water resources
- Dinner with Aunt Jenny and family
- The starting at esplande bridge
- The open lanes of Sheares bridge
- Distinctive circular object- Check!
- The unexpected trail areas
- The marina barrage
- The barrage main complex and visitor center
- Inside the plaza area of the main complex
- The run finishing crowds
- Speedy baggage collection
- cam_textbooks2009
- Heading to the town of Ambleside!
- I am at the top of the world!
- well, top on a bus, actually!
- and it's a convertible!
- Shaun approves of topless buses
- But this bus needs more NITROUS!
- ah yes, smells like a lake, sounds like a lake, looks like one too!
- Where are we again?
- Ice cream is standard issue for all our boat trips
- we got to meet marine avian residents by the lake
- Including adult ulgy ducklings
- There don't seem to be a short supply of them.
- Few neat hotrods by the lake
- ready to board the ship?
- not when john finishes his ice-cream!
- On the giant floater, umm boat!
- sitting on the upper deck is a no-brainer choice
- especially for shutter bugs lkike us. :P
- John still sucking on his ice cream
- Wait we are still at the docks? :/
- did someone say cheese?
- oh hell yea!
- Out on the lake of Windermere!