Home / Photos / Places / Europe / The Louvre Paris 144
The best arts museum in the world!

- 4 floors of arty museumy goodness
- A cat in a cat in a cat
- a peculiar looking fountain
- aka the Thematic Trails
- an environmentally friendly skylit!
- ancient artefacts on display
- and sphinx, which could mean...
- And the nearby Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel
- and Venus!
- another marble sculpture gallery
- awesome
- awesome ceiling works
- Behold the museum sculpure pavillons
- big vase is big
- Busts
- cat mummies
- Complete with Area 51 theming!
- Cupid and Psyche
- deep underground
- despite the size of the museum
- did I say HUGE?
- diggin' the Champs-Elysees
- easily ranks as one of my top few
- featuring Aphrodite
- few of the many elaborate galleries
- Few of the many grand staircases
- fit for a king
- for the various surrounding galleries
- Gallericous!
- gidiyap!
- given how large some of the paintings are!
- Got Mona?
- greatest paintings
- Instant entry with no queues!
- into the Carrousel Gardens
- it's huge!
- it's just like in Florence!
- It's the Hall Napoleon!
- it's weather proof!
- Jewelry Displays
- Just across the Palais Royal
- Large stair wells connects the galleries
- Large stone tombs included!
- Lets use a fast track!
- lions!
- look at roof!
- look at the crowds
- lookie up at ceiling!
- looking tomby there
- looks comfy