Home / Photos / Places / Europe / Paris Eiffel Tower 137
To the top and the Champs de Mars

- messy, but nice!
- The Hôtel des Invalides
- Superposition!
- murals on the monument walls
- The rotating beam from afar
- except no public stairs serve the top most deck
- Count the bolts!
- Overlooking the tower
- It look more gothic at night
- down at the ground floor!
- Beamy
- The Peace Monument
- Thanks to some clever inner lighting
- It's a school which is Military!
- The stairs down run along side the elevators
- I conquered that!
- Definitely not in a language I know!
- This area is the start/end of the Paris marathon too
- Mmm grating...
- Still skating!
- The Pont de l'Alma on the north east
- Lots of eating places
- Looking down...
- The Ecole Militaire from afar
- The Champ de Mars Square on the south east
- There's even a bar at the top!
- clank clank clank!
- The indoor portions with a country bearing
- BEAM ZING! Nice!
- Stairs to the ground floor
- The Pont du Bir Hakeim Bridge in the distance
- glowy... lgihts...
- digging the view from here
- That's all folks for the Eiffel!
- The cluny streets
- catching views from the Champ de Mars Square
- Close up
- funky red box lift thingie serves the 1st and 2nd decks
- Lookin up
- flying kite lights!
- there are 2 decks on this floor
- Frozen ponds round the tower park
- sights on the stairs up
- Just like in the movies!
- the 1st level deck from the ground
- Looky behind there?
- The Military School
- seriously why queue hours to use the lift?
- Avenue de Breteuil
- Le palais? (akak museum)