- stgcc 2015 042
- substation-map-scars-17
- Memoriam Lee Kuan Yew 2015 12
- Here we have Sheena's ex sch, Henderson Secondary!
- SEA games closing cere 01
- surface4-launch-event-14
- xbox games event 2016 12
- stgcc 2015 006
- & we have granny too!
- stgcc 2015 013
- I just have to get upclose & personal...
- stgcc 2015 032
- stgcc 2016 31
- surface4-launch-event-34
- The Deep Exhibition 09
- ndp-2016-008
- Dreamworks ArtScience 14
- alienware dell 20 anni 09
- disney infinity 26
- sing50 concert 12
- surface4-launch-event-04
- A few of the art pieces...
- The Deep Exhibition 18
- look here Ben!
- sing50 concert 34
- stgcc 2015 035
- microsoft marvel tabs 15
- microsoft marvel tabs 10
- the artpiece reads "I love the world peace" in chinese
- future-of-us-sg-27
- stgcc 2016 40
- xbox games event 2016 09
- Not to mention refreshments being served too.
- stgcc 2015 027
- alienware dell 20 anni 19
- xbox games event 2016 14
- A photogenic shot
- Sheena pondering by the staircase, again!
- adex 2015 09
- stgcc 2016 04
- surface4-launch-event-36
- surface4-launch-event-23
- madonna rebel heart sg 16 03
- surface4-launch-event-09
- Campus Game Fest15 05
- Presentation of appreciation token to our president, SR Nathan
- sing50 concert 28
- stgcc 2015 021
- now find gordon in it!
- stgcc 2015 030