- Checkin' out new phones @ hello orchard
- Taka Food Fest, man its crowded
- Overview of the food fest
- Hearty shopper's dinner
- Event sign board
- They got toffees!
- & more to toffees!
- Theres one for everybody!
- Mmm Apple Toffee...
- See this image?
- Now its on exhitbition in da machine.. haha cheap thrills! Fun with the Kodak photo kiosk
- Money spent, darn!
- Got Holiday?
- Business granny on the mobile
- Chillout at breko
- sux is the brew of the day
- Checkin the departures
- Off to the departures...
- Chillin out @ kopitiam!
- & free wi-fi for anyone!
- Excited Mum & Dad
- Orchard's Christmas Deco
- Dinner at garden hotel
- 1.5Mps duh!
- Hi five!
- Duh, is that so?... duh
- AHM photos by sportsphotoX
- AHM photos by sportsphotoX
- Arghh! Auto ERP pricing by EMAS ARGGH!!
- Farewell David!
- Me, David & Lester
- Darth Saber
- Toboggan on ride photo!
- HMV opening at SP
- Geoff & the gang!
- Forward Flip!
- Whee New Camera!
- First world stay
- Cosmo Theme Park
- Spinny-ditity!
- Da box
- The main unit
- The main items
- at First World Plaza??
- Always love that intamin roller
- heck the 20 coaster rounds, wheres food?!!
- Kl City night life
- Street Side Hawkers
- Ahh food!
- Genting Ariel View