- & man was it crowded at the stadium
- 4D3N Round Island Trekking Expedition
- A full tin end of the day!
- Afternoon Street Soccer
- Anakin & Obi-wan fight scene
- Animated toilet mirrors
- Annalakshmi interior
- Annalakshmi sign
- Another mass medic BBQ for the Infernal Medicine achievement
- April Medic Rush on GoldRush
- Argh no thermoscan!
- Arghhh! Ads are everywhere now!!
- Awards! yay!
- BBQ!
- Blast Assist on interteam team achiemvement
- Blistering Boulders!
- Blood Donation Drive at SP 03 May
- Bowling at East Coast Leisure Bowl
- Breadtalk 2008 China relief fund panda
- Break at macs
- Brooks Life Run 10km Looping Route
- Burger King - Special Thanks!
- Cake and your companion cube back!
- Cambridge Engineering dept late
- Campmates, jeremy
- Changi South Lane Viewed
- Changi South Lane SLA map
- cny 17 rooster deco 1
- cny 17 rooster deco 2
- Company CS session
- Dad's '07 Birthday Dinner
- Dad's '07 Birthday Dinner Spread
- Dads birthday cake
- Dads birthday dinner at the Red ruby restaurant
- Darth Saber
- Darth Vader in making
- Dell first Tablet PC for the Latitude range
- Dinner with Alec
- Doing homework on the train
- Dota-ing between lessons
- Ending Group Shot
- Engineer setup for the Medical Breakthrough achievement
- Ez-linkers in SP
- Ezlinkers - Moblerly Kejum buteh snacks
- Face off!
- Food served at Annalakshmi
- Full CG environments
- General setting
- GlaDOS singing "Still Alive"
- GlaDOS your last "boss"