- Gary Erskine @ work
- Some inedible bread anyone?
- The open stage
- Imaginary Friends studios double booth
- Team Fortress 2 Pyro Axtinguisher
- Happy Birthday Greetings
- Mr Choy at the SP booth
- Some of the rather plain looking lego on display
- Imperial Prospectus 2009
- Endurance Races gone bad article on Straits Times 20th June 08
- View of the Singapore crowd wahhh!
- Hanabi Japanese Restaurant Entrance
- Hanabi Japanese Restaurant Food
- Vesak Day 2007
- Here we are at Suntec for the SG Toy & Comic Con
- Team Fortress 2 Pyro Backburner
- Team Fortress 2 Pyro FlareGun
- Teengames adventure race 2007 2nd place
- Barack Obama Speech
- Creepy dolls area getting photo raped
- Soya Milk
- Atari/Eden Test Drive Unlimited
- Toyota Prius
- E-learn-t
- Topload Washing Machine
- Teengames adventure race rock climb
- Singapore Bay Run 2007
- Convention Center
- SP Grad Day Group Photo Shoot
- Pepper Ridge GoldFish!
- Bicep Curls
- SP Grad Day Group Photo Shoot
- After events
- The cake is for me?
- Pecor Threadmills, I like!
- Pre-race planning
- Sheena's Birthday
- Few of our "products" for our visit
- E-Learning Shits
- Adventure Race Rock Climb Practice
- Getting ready to go
- And oh no our cake is discovered!
- Soya Bean Milk
- Phoenix lander white stuff on mars discovery
- We present the cake for the night!
- Teochew Building at Tank Road
- New Travel Pac Case!
- Champion Team & 1st Runner up
- Singapore A380 Legoland
- So-so food quality