- Red Alert 3 Announced
- DME 25 '08 chalet gathering
- The early BBQ people!
- On the tables!
- OCGH like a scene from silent hill
- 1st one down?
- The place in ruins
- Shaun's Semester 6 Poly Results
- Shaun in the 2007 Standard Chartered Marathon (Photo by Redsports.sg)
- SP flagday 2008 in benefit for Presidents Challenge 08
- What a day!
- Shaun ze DSTA scholar!
- TF2 Pyro Frenzy!
- April Medic Rush on GoldRush
- Blast Assist on interteam team achiemvement
- Engineer setup for the Medical Breakthrough achievement
- Mass medic BBQ for the Infernal Medicine achievement
- Scout teams running into mini and syringe guns
- Nafa multimedia showcase
- Nafa multimedia showcase
- Myanmar cyclone relief aid flagday
- Trinity Cambridge 2008 Prospectus
- Topload Washing Machine
- Toyota Prius
- Imperial Prospectus 2009
- Endurance Races gone bad article on Straits Times 20th June 08
- Happy Birthday Greetings
- Atari/Eden Test Drive Unlimited
- Xian de lai Shanghai Steamboat
- Celebration steamboat!
- Pile the plates!
- Welcome to Xian de lai!
- Server Rack
- Heavy's Natascha Minigun
- The heavy killing gloves of boxing
- The heavy sandvich edible device
- The special awards 2008
- Interaction with Mr Lee Hsien Long, our Prime Minister
- Dr Yaacob Ibrahim, Minister of the environment and water resources