- Another mass medic BBQ for the Infernal Medicine achievement
- Gary Erskine @ work
- The cake is not a lie!
- Animated toilet mirrors
- Some inedible bread anyone?
- The open stage
- The volunteers!
- GlaDOS singing "Still Alive"
- Imaginary Friends studios double booth
- Happy Birthday Greetings
- Team Fortress 2 Pyro Axtinguisher
- The ending escape scene
- Mr Choy at the SP booth
- Some of the rather plain looking lego on display
- Capturing bonus objective (C&C3 Kanes Wrath The Doctor Vanishes walkthrough)
- Imperial Prospectus 2009
- Blast Assist on interteam team achiemvement
- Engaging Shatterers (C&C3 Kanes Wrath The Doctor Vanishes walkthrough)
- Mass medic BBQ for the Infernal Medicine achievement
- Endurance Races gone bad article on Straits Times 20th June 08
- View of the Singapore crowd wahhh!
- My left kill zone (C&C3 Kanes Wrath The Doctor Vanishes walkthrough)
- With joes aside, some of the rather interesting textured walls
- Telok Ayer Wanton Mee store
- Then it started raining- heavy
- Track Chalet Coastal Sands Oct 2008
- Arghhh! Ads are everywhere now!!
- Night+day bar entrance (singapuahra)
- Here we are at Suntec for the SG Toy & Comic Con
- Team Fortress 2 Pyro Backburner
- GlaDOS your last "boss"
- Engineer setup for the Medical Breakthrough achievement
- Team Fortress 2 Pyro FlareGun
- April Medic Rush on GoldRush
- Objectives completed (C&C3 Kanes Wrath The Doctor Vanishes walkthrough)
- The SHF mascot!
- A center forward base is good for arming and repairs (C&C3 Kanes Wrath The Doctor Vanishes walkthrough)
- Commando urban clearing (C&C3 Kanes Wrath The Doctor Vanishes walkthrough)
- Our Life-sized Cardboard Signs!
- Only bonus objective (C&C3 Kanes Wrath The Doctor Vanishes walkthrough)
- Entrance to the city (C&C3 Kanes Wrath The Doctor Vanishes walkthrough)
- Around the corporate cushy areas
- Singapore blog awards 2008!
- Awards! yay!
- Nafa multimedia showcase
- Supper's next!
- Capturing final objective (C&C3 Kanes Wrath The Doctor Vanishes walkthrough)
- Ez-linkers in SP
- Chinasquare-Telok Ayer area
- singapuahra art display on the 3rd floor with Ben himself