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- Right in the giftshop!
- sci-fi food for robots
- Sesame street is a new addition here
- Singapore will need this
- Special effects
- splash down!
- Sploosh!
- spot the durians?
- surprisingly not as wet as expected
- tad like monsters inc. life too
- taking to the skies
- taxi!
- that gotta hurt! XD
- that's a toilet?
- that's kinda creepy
- the agents were here...
- the alll-spark....
- The canopy flyer
- the crowd!
- The Cylon has 5 inversions in total
- the diner nicely lit at night
- The dino section of the park
- the empty queue areas
- The Far Far Away Castle
- the feedi- um loading bay!
- The floorless helix run
- the hollywood walk
- the hollywood walk
- The human (kiddy) floor-less side
- The Human side has pretty nice launch hill airtime
- The Intamin Spaghetti Space Chase is new here
- The key ride here has to be...
- the loading bay
- the more AWESOME cylon inverted coaster side
- The Mummy revenge ride entrance
- the queue into the dungeons preshow