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2005 »

- Zhuang, Karpal
- Zhuang's up at the info booth.
- Zhuang's gd friend, still very much humble, not to mention still too... (hes gd)
- Zhuang admiring the towers in view...
- Zhuang 'n' Guns
- Zhuang & the moonlight
- Zhuang & our very own bodyguard team.
- Zhuang & Khoo.
- Zhuang & his friend.
- Zhuang & friends.
- zhis is ze paintball mp5er!
- yoz
- you can hear them plan on world domination
- yo yo
- yes, as relatively packed as it is.
- yeew... combat rations
- yea... ORD loh!
- yea, wind 'em up real good dude
- yea, those are fun
- yea, the safari: where the action is!
- yea, I can say, it was a pleasant stay
- yea, food!
- yea, AOH!
- yea yea mugen!
- yea its the outback alrite
- yea free incoming!
- yea baby...
- yea armour rules dudes.
- yamaha's booth in front of the merc's
- yada yada
- WOW look what I FOUND in the boot?
- wow arco!
- Working & putting final touches on the flash movie.
- workers on the roof
- woovie!
- woo!
- woo niffy done like thingy
- woo a beau..
- wonder why scumi's ferrai not here..
- with the body cleared, comes the band item next.
- with glass everywhere you can't miss anything outside.
- wider clearer view of the lobby
- Whos cares bout the informal patrons?
- whoa that was action!
- while I go on more exotic hunts!
- while Head Log hangs for dear life...
- which made moving within the rows kinda difficult, not to mention casuing distractions
- where we have all terrain rides as well!
- where the airconditioned exhitbition segements are held.
- where people battle out PAINTBALL style with the laserquest like MILES.