- Zhuang & his friend.
- Zhuang, Karpal
- Zhuang's gd friend, still very much humble, not to mention still too... (hes gd)
- Zhuang & friends.
- Zhuang's up at the info booth.
- Zhuang & Khoo.
- Zhuang & our very own bodyguard team.
- Open house T-shirts!
- "The seat *fits* this perfectly"
- & another one at work too.
- & the event.
- & here they are dressing
- Working & putting final touches on the flash movie.
- Chillin out at Macs.
- Specs rule.
- "Yes it would be a very big event"
- We've all kinds & types of visitors.
- Lock & LOAD baby!
- & we are down to the last 2.
- & its starting to get crowded...
- The center stage.
- Drum practice.
- oh darn, Starbucks found us again.
- Finally its opened to the public at 1pm.
- 2pm, Opened for public viewing
- & more (pity the peeps in this booth)
- Maj Goh.
- Our Miles booth.
- An Alex at work.
- booth check, plasma check, crowd check?
- Staff Ken.
- Dance
- whats that awful noise?
- yada yada
- Our Info booth team.
- Setting up the laptop for the opening event.
- The Music dance coy at prac.
- & we have a Winner!
- Sing to the moment! laleeloola...
- The *Vips* on stage.
- Bring on the drum roll man!
- Preping for the flash intro.
- Our upcoming SG idol?
- Creative team hard at work.
- final preps to the roadshow booths before opening.
- GPMG at display.
- Last minute cabling..
- Heres Zhuang's good friend all dressed up & ready to rock.
- Posin on the static LSV display.