- Zhuang, Karpal
- Zhuang's up at the info booth.
- Zhuang's gd friend, still very much humble, not to mention still too... (hes gd)
- Zhuang & our very own bodyguard team.
- Zhuang & Khoo.
- Zhuang & his friend.
- Zhuang & friends.
- yoz
- you can hear them plan on world domination
- yo yo
- yea, those are fun
- yada yada
- wow arco!
- Working & putting final touches on the flash movie.
- woo!
- woo niffy done like thingy
- Whos cares bout the informal patrons?
- whenever there karaoke, theres des
- wheee
- whee.. couldn't get enough ot it
- whee! dunk the girl
- whee burn!
- whats that awful noise?
- what ya lookin at?
- Welcome to amanda club.
- Weapon handson
- We've all kinds & types of visitors.
- we rock!
- we are not alone!
- view of the fountains
- very much out(doors!)
- urrm.... don't ask me why
- uppants madness...
- turns out we got backfired!
- too bad its under renovation when we were there
- TK, Lester and Vic
- this is how u do satay
- think it wld be better on SLR
- there she goes wavin & walkin away (guess shld follow her)
- there are 2 huge bedrooms
- Then there was cake flying all round thereafter
- the world between darryl's fingers
- The winner of the N-gage QD.
- The Unarmed combat performance.
- the toilets are cool too. classy!
- the stores we pretty much closed for the night...
- the spreads how.. yum
- the sand
- The public at the weapon tryout area.
- The nite's just started dudes!