- now, back to our DOOM!
- up in the heavens!
- load er up!
- argghhh!
- and more BOOM!
- chugging along
- kaboom!
- complete with water screen projections
- victory!
- merry go round!
- seuss style!
- not much a reward!
- the good guys win!
- oo fishes!
- pimple weird
- some bird, snake, reptile thingie
- overlooking the islands again
- the cat in the hat ride
- nicely done
- decked out!
- giant pitch fork will save us all!
- feeding time here was awesome
- lets see, a cow was here?
- off the rollers!
- the pimple river from afar
- some coaster
- Mmm kitchen
- some awesome loop
- more weirdos!
- back on the hot snow area
- sword fight!
- and lets rock and roll!
- the queu areas
- love the theming detail on the facade
- it's a live stunt show
- the main challenge
- The Men In Black training facility
- moving on!
- headshot with the shotgun!
- please dispense your belongings in these recepticles beforehand
- The post ride section
- in and out of the tunnels
- walk walk walk
- back on broadway
- entering the temple of doom!
- next up...
- now for some makeup
- did I say STUNTS?
- evil villain wanna kewl you all!
- diggin the live actors in this attraction