- zoom zoom!
- zippy!
- zero wait time, GET ON IT PRONTO!
- zappy!
- zap zap zap!
- yup we have the animals under control
- your standard issue blaster cadet!
- you can doom me anytime baby!
- yo yo yo!
- yes we are DOOMED alrite!
- ya ya ya
- Woody Woodpeckers nuthouse coaster
- with the Simpsons too!
- with the blues brothers street show!
- with occasional train included!
- with massive statues to boot
- with Jimmy Neutron's
- with interesting wares for sale
- with holographs!
- with cars to boot!
- with boom
- with all things mummy!
- with a different twist
- who's potter?
- who ya looking at?
- who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
- while we are still, um dry!
- which is not as awesome as this coaster
- which is non-inverting in nature!
- which goes well with the open air amphitheater
- which disaster?
- where's platform 9 3/4?
- wheee!
- wheee flying!
- whee!
- whee!
- whee!
- whee that's all folks!
- whee I am flying!
- what was that I head flowing?
- what goes up...
- WET!
- well, untill Dubai takes over that is!
- Welcome to...
- welcome to marvel island
- weird!
- we have a winner
- we ARE not alone
- Water!
- water tunnel nice!