- dolphins! where else can we be...
- domy thingy we call the Bloedel conservatory check!
- Donald duck prints!
- Down the wharf at fisherman's wharf
- Dreamworld was wonderful!
- dun!
- dun! creepy!
- Either thats a small kid or a very BIG anchor!
- ejection ski slide!
- everybody's on suspense on a suspension bridge!
- Excalibur, that is where we stayed
- Exploring the caves in Phuket
- Family photo by the bay
- fancy the nice cubicle work here
- flyer_construction
- Forget the toy bulldozer mom, I found an alternative!
- From the tracks, I think a yeti just came by here
- Golden gate, which means San fran!
- Gotta love the happening and neon all around the area
- Guest meet snowy. Snowy, guest!
- Hello Canada, howdy Vancouver!
- Here is a lookout too see more old rock!
- Here we are at the Capilano suspension bridge
- Here we are at the Grauman's Chinese Theatre
- Here we are at the Makai market!
- Here we are in LA! Now where my limo went?
- Here we arrive in Tijuana!
- here we see green on green!
- Hey Ohio!
- Hi I am Ronald and let me introduce you to our menu!
- Honolulu is a shopping paradise!
- I am a little cool girl on the bridge!
- I can see my home from here!
- I hope we don't go as bananas as the bongos!
- I like this place
- Is the photo taken already mom?
- It always looks the same no matter when you visit
- It get's Sheena's seal of approval!
- It started snowing, well flaking!
- it's a great place!
- it's breezy up here!
- It's hard standing here everyday Mr Joseph Strauss?
- It's summer, but it's still chilly!
- it's the christmas spirit alrighty!
- journey to the west?
- Koalas are heavier than they look!
- Land and home of the big bucks
- Listen to me! I am older than all your ages combined!
- look ma reindeers after running 110 volts through them!
- look we found one which escaped prison