« 2009
2011 »

- The millenium bridge
- The cross-Thames views from the south bank
- They have quite lots of stuff on sale besides food! Nice!
- Just when you had enough of Blackfriars!
- X-sector, which could only mean...
- The bridge no longer sways in the wind, :P
- The buffet is packed!
- Got golf?
- On the giant floater, umm boat!
- And time for noms!
- Shaun approves of topless buses
- ready to board the ship?
- Oo a kiddy coaster!
- You can never fit through easily on the doors here!
- wait, 2 ducks and a shark?
- Mmm vertical...
- You gotta get used to beached boats here in the Desert
- More cake goodness!
- There's a small park located just before the helix bridge
- You get choreographed jets with music
- Kids at the Casino?
- The OXO tower & beach area (only at low tide)
- The beautiful Southwark cathedral
- You gotta love the views here by the country side!
- Awyee! Who goes there matety!
- Down along Thames path
- Golden Hind Ship
- A land cruiser 50 cent will appreciate
- The Unilever house along the Victoria embankment
- Thanks to some dampers on each support
- Globe theatre and shakesperes globe
- You can cross the creek for 5AED a trip
- You can see right through the stream bed
- You can't get any welsh-er with a dragon!
- Outside the convention center at nightfall
- A nice artistic take to something actually really functional too!
- into a pit of no return!
- not when john finishes his ice-cream!
- You guessed it, in the world's largest mall, we have..
- Interesting seeing this place a prison in the past
- A view from afar
- The Clink "works"
- The Force Field theater
- It's essentially a crazy mild mouse
- It's literally bumper to bumper!
- Where are we again?
- The dessert spread in the buffet
- well, top on a bus, actually!
- Make that 5 dickheads.
- Bow before the sonic powers!