- Lets take the stairs up!
- it gets windy up here!
- All 70 floors of it!
- omg, what a view
- Central park on the left
- Look ion cannons!
- zap zap zap
- The transforming NY skyline to night
- it's getting dark
- The roof deck
- Tada the night skyline!
- That's all for New york folks!
- omg funky motion activated lights!
- and sub viewing areas
- The streaks of interstate highways in the distance
- That bright spot is you guessed it, TimesSquare
- NY is a city which never sleeps
- Now you will understand why
- no wonder Ben Stiller pissed in his pants!
- some fancy straw you got there
- giant tall stone egyptian thingie
- someone's missing a few bones
- more dinosaurs!
- someone's grumpy
- over here!
- Hi uncle Joe!
- this place is awesome!
- The New York City's American Museum of Natural History
- the building's looking li. um covered up
- not far off central park
- at least we need not require hardhats to go in!
- Even Roosevelt unscattered by the upgrading works
- the museum grand entrance
- rawr!
- peekaboo?
- now to the galleries!
- Dinosaurs!
- told ya the tall ceiling's a bonus!
- got youth?
- digging the displays in the gallery
- taxidermy at it's finest
- who ya loooking at?
- feeling horny?
- yo niger!
- tools
- and more tools of the wooden kind!
- Look cousin IT!
- with everything asian!
- the asian galleries
- not to mention Chinese too