- collected earlier in the day
- packed like sardines!
- of the gardens with animated overlays
- the conservatory exterior
- The "mountain" is a concrete structure
- Diagon alley!
- this area is home to many predatory plants
- Quidditch game gear
- so much to shop around heree..
- potter's cottage
- looking rather spacey
- Musings of the drawing board
- the themed gardens lit at night
- scale building props
- random musings on the audioguide
- it's crooked-ness does mess with your eyes!
- keep a lookout for this in London!
- test your spell casting actions!
- did I mention flowers?
- The architect
- Got lion?
- the the flower bed below
- Giving it a cool-moist atmosphere
- the Bay Sand with their distant lightshow
- only two fireplaces are kept
- at mid-height
- resort_cranes_25
- this explains the various water features
- the perfect setting for a villian
- meanwhile still at the butterbeer stand...
- diggin the hotrod
- Over view of the alley
- The Supertrees all lit at night
- Oh sketchy!
- resort_cranes_17
- The lights run on batteries
- pink's still in fashion!
- lotsa robes!
- the mist is piped from under the walkways
- boat-ception!
- Puke tactic!
- the empty queue areas
- cycling through various lighting schemes...
- not to mention pink!
- the alll-spark....
- Mini hogwarts paper scale models
- Models for set planning
- resort_cranes_05
- various animated displays on the garden workings
- Owl's for sale