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- More to come, stay tuned!
- Closing words
- Security retrieving the Flame for safekeeping
- Off to it's next league!
- 40,000 people!
- Incoming from the Bridge of Sighs!
- by the river cam!
- A punt convoy!
- 4 of them!
- Security and media crew
- olympic torch spotted
- on the last punt!
- carried by Edward Roberts of Cambridge
- for various community work
- chugging along
- and services to the city
- close up!
- cheering spectators
- no rain to dampen the spirits
- bankside crowds
- waves and cheers
- towards magdalene bridge
- docking the punt
- for punt to road transition
- Catching the torch relay
- relay convoy on standby
- over 30 vehicles strong!
- next stop Luton!
- BBC radio field interviews
- Ganesh: I feel like a king with my working minions around!
- IMG_37.jpg
- gas gas gas!
- The misting in progress
- Vents under the walkways
- looking spacey
- a slient hill moment
- L-E-D-S!
- earthhhhh..
- digging the overhead projection
- kids play areas
- King Tomb Construction phase one!
- Am blue!
- The tree with the gardens at the top
- Nearing completion
- Marina south before Construction
- Construction at the Marina Bay
- Underpass from Bay Front MRT
- The Marina Bay Reservoir
- Singapore's 15th Reservoir
- The pond overview