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- The moat and bottom
- the "wand storage"
- one for each production member in all the shows
- there is alot of wands!
- wands everywhere!
- who made it all possible!
- trival fact discussions with staff
- so many to see!
- ending words from JK
- a seal of excellence!
- that's all folks!
- C-130
- Boeing 787 belly
- C-17 ramp down
- C-17 from KC-135
- KC135 crew
- K-135 cockpit
- K-135 from 909 SQN
- Climbing by the moment...
- C-17 interior
- F15SG Nose
- Hanging by the moment!
- RSAF displays
- American Pavilion
- cfm booth
- China Pavilion
- Lockheed chalet
- Lockheed Chalet
- IMG_6701_3dprint
- IMG_6733_3dprint
- IMG_6790_3dprint
- IMG_7236
- IMG_7262
- Thats all Folks! SP Track & Field Team (Sem1 05)
- IMG_7308
- IMG_7417
- heres adventure land (aka SOC ground)
- man they did really touch up the place alot.
- ah the old notorious swing trainer
- what MILES matach? even the lizard's unscathed!
- blanks are fired on SAR21 for the matches
- bang? bang? bang?
- close up on the urban warfare CTF area
- Thats all folks!
- display of the latest army wear & stuff.
- yeew... combat rations
- SG arty display section
- was that air dropped in? *looks up*
- oh well, mingle with the bomb disposal robots then.
- the crowd's wild!