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- chugging along
- and services to the city
- close up!
- cheering spectators
- no rain to dampen the spirits
- bankside crowds
- waves and cheers
- towards magdalene bridge
- docking the punt
- for punt to road transition
- Catching the torch relay
- relay convoy on standby
- over 30 vehicles strong!
- next stop Luton!
- BBC radio field interviews
- Ganesh: I feel like a king with my working minions around!
- IMG_37.jpg
- King Tomb Construction phase one!
- Nearing completion
- Marina south before Construction
- Construction at the Marina Bay
- Underpass from Bay Front MRT
- The Marina Bay Reservoir
- Singapore's 15th Reservoir
- The pond overview
- IMG 4007 gardens bay
- The grove!
- IMG 4009 gardens bay
- Malay Kampong
- Ariel View one
- Whats with the yellow stick dude?
- Last finishing touches...
- With a stick to the head!
- Ganesh the king!
- & there we have it! the master piece!
- Hail worship the great sand pharoah!
- Climbing by the moment...
- Hanging by the moment!
- Lockheed Chalet
- Thats all Folks! SP Track & Field Team (Sem1 05)
- heres adventure land (aka SOC ground)
- man they did really touch up the place alot.
- ah the old notorious swing trainer
- what MILES matach? even the lizard's unscathed!
- blanks are fired on SAR21 for the matches
- bang? bang? bang?
- close up on the urban warfare CTF area
- Thats all folks!
- display of the latest army wear & stuff.
- yeew... combat rations