Home / Search results 35383
- A Rube Goldberg machine
- with lotsa body parts
- The Bodyworld's exhibition is a highlight
- and skinnnn!
- prepare for launch!
- earthquake simulator
- The museum galleries
- gotta love the practicality of science museums
- the innovation galleries
- showcase of things all silicon valley!
- like the fabrication of chips
- chips best served as wafers!
- mmm waffles!
- What's Adam and Jamie doing in a box?
- sanjose_tech_museum_35.jpg
- moore's law
- mmm updated!
- Mmm automation
- The museum atrium
- got DNA?
- chatty pictures
- bobsled!
- digging the tag stations!
- nothing dry here
- brings out the kid in you
- So much to see!
- So many toys!
- the atrium from the top floor
- uber glasses!
- digging the try it out stations
- no idea is a bad idea!
- yup, they are all here
- best served robotics style!
- it's still Silicon Valley alirght!
- hitch a ride?
- The museum Imax theather
- Plaza De Cesar Chavez
- my thermal scan!
- santa-cruz-spain-01
- santa-cruz-spain-02
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- santa-cruz-spain-05
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- santa-cruz-spain-10
- Welcome to Kampung Sebukang @ Pular Aur!
- So as the sign says...