- remembering those who lost their lives in their line of duty
- it's a 2 layer cell
- The view of freedom
- San Fran island
- the life on the rock
- lie the high security areas of the prison
- Behind these walls
- Many interesting ways inmates try to break out of the cells
- talking about inmate experiences
- No wonder it's called the rock!
- food food!
- lock and load!
- Looks like something happened here
- get me out!
- solitary confinement!
- in the prison
- The kitchens
- Crude simple spectator seats
- exploring the outdoors of the rock
- pokey plants!
- many didn't make it across
- and pitch black inside
- The golden gate bridge on the west of the island
- The administrative block
- during the Battle of Alcatraz
- the island lighthouse
- Some of the nicely decorated cells
- In am in Jail! :3
- mm salty sea!
- Hey all the knifes are missing!
- with the double gate and door system
- the community areas and library again
- The city of San Fran in the distance
- Many tried crossing the bay
- rocky!
- the spread looks good!
- The main prison building on the hill
- Early dismissal from prison
- The "cuttoff"
- I see the light!
- no one knows where they are now, presumed drowned
- the vault!
- Buildings ravaged by the fire
- Notable wardens of an era gone
- Things inmates do to pass the time
- the guide brings you along various key points
- in the open recreational areas
- The golden gate in the distance
- alcatraz_077.jpg
- More fire ravaged buildings