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- and lets rock and roll!
- the initial climb was like omgawd!
- then it's all smooth like's a baby's ass
- typical of Maurer Söhne coasters
- which is non-inverting in nature!
- the main loop
- back on amblin
- A street of film excellence!
- did you hear something zip past?
- must be hearing things
- lets see, a cow was here?
- the stage queue area
- and action!
- a nice quiet night
- reversible destruction!
- wait a minute?
- ka boom!
- fire!
- and the roof went down too!
- the ride store, selling twisty stuff
- complete with our own monsters!
- got blues?
- no other better way...
- with the blues brothers street show!
- sax solo go!
- ya ya ya
- everybody put your hands up!
- yo yo yo!
- now that's a siren!
- back up for thug bustin'
- roll it roll it!
- back on the high road where we left off
- more rock climby stuff
- heading into the San fran area
- meh, not quite like the real thing. :3
- which disaster?
- now for a disaster!
- got tank?
- looks pretty whacked up!
- good to know
- the ride is an interactive studio cum effects showcase
- this place tops in disasters
- now I need volunteers!
- lets put the guinea pigs out!
- lights, action!
- hail to the stars!
- next studio take!
- now act like you are swimming in goo!
- the director's watching!
- arghh!