- alienware dell 20 anni 06
- Dreamworks ArtScience 40
- SG airshow2016 28
- Dreamworks ArtScience 19
- SG airshow2016 12
- SG airshow2016 18
- adex 2015 05
- we needed that walk.. buffets, buffets & man were we full!
- SG airshow2016 36
- dtc 50 mbs 18
- dtc 50 mbs 20
- SG airshow2016 09
- jake parker talk 1
- surface4-launch-event-38
- stgcc 2016 12
- SG airshow2016 22
- alienware dell 20 anni 16
- future-of-us-sg-11
- stgcc 2016 14
- disney infinity 10
- Campus Game Fest15 01
- alienware dell 20 anni 07
- Campus Game Fest15 13
- stgcc 2016 09
- followed by various communities & people introducing their blogs
- SG airshow2016 27
- dtc 50 mbs 09
- microsoft marvel tabs 11
- & few of the participating schools
- disney infinity 11
- SG airshow2016 03
- SG airshow2016 23
- Campus Game Fest15 14
- Thats all folks!
- SG airshow2016 02
- alienware dell 20 anni 05
- Blurred close up on the pubs
- cheez!
- Overview of the pubs
- Campus Game Fest15 11
- Aerial shot of the busting night activity
- SG airshow2016 24
- alienware dell 20 anni 15
- xbox games event 2016 19
- SG airshow2016 10
- SG airshow2016 42
- Singapore zoo koala 02
- dtc 50 mbs 07
- Too bad half of the palce is under renovation
- Can't wait for the renovation to complete, it would be the perfect night hangout!