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- felix, Yongtang, Lest, vic & Junxian
- sparkles ahoy!
- Here lies the chipbag of doom
- Da cake
- lets bring them on!
- wheee
- And the BBQ starts
- And b4 cuttin zee cake
- The class of huayi99 - delta00
- woo!
- nightshot pics are cool
- first food batch ups
- we rock!
- bring on the birthday gals and guys!
- lishen and her flaming torch
- arghh gas alert
- & now we bring on the ladies
- everybody!
- oh well :X
- monoxide levels gotten too high
- :)
- :)
- stay clear: fancy fingerwork here
- nite falls & the girls in!
- Then there was cake flying all round thereafter
- uppants madness...
- yea, those are fun
- :)
- cheers dudes!
- crunch! (and cheeze!)
- darn smokin so soon?
- The nite's just started dudes!
- I hope it not the nuts...
- no keep it away!
- heres lester and his camera
- TK, Lester and Vic
- can you see anything? I can't..
- urrm.... don't ask me why
- dynamic duo
- mmm icecream
- Welcome to amanda club.
- The birthday boys
- PJ (dang she saw us up there)
- the moon's there
- guess we not the ones bbqing
- 21.jpg
- our's pad nearby too.
- lishen smokin' more than usual
- the spreads how.. yum
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