- chief of army & family.
- chief seems really pretty excited bout it...
- clap clap clap (gd display)
- close up on the urban warfare CTF area
- COA making his way around the parade SQ
- COA waving on the bronco ride.
- COA wife & children
- commandos parachute freefall
- dangerous man...
- demo of engineer's bridging capabilities.
- display of the latest army wear & stuff.
- drying out the rides after the downpour...
- Engineer's bridging stuffs..
- everybody gets a try!
- everyone's gettin' excited
- everything's automatic, event counting of pullups.
- fancy no elephants on elephant hill.
- followed by some body huggin' street display...
- frag baby frag!
- free langames anyone?
- grandstand's full of kids
- guards booth at nite
- happy family
- hats up!
- Helmets up!
- here comes chief & his family
- Here comes the B vehicles
- Here we get a K-9 demo from the K-9 unit.
- here we have the street parade.
- here we see a demo of POI
- here we see a demo of robo football.
- Here Zhuang & the bore
- Here's the urban warfare area..
- heres adventure land (aka SOC ground)
- Heyya kidos!
- Holy cow! thats the new landrover dudes!
- impressive are not only the exhitbits & hands on parts as well.
- interesting...
- issued are your personal M16 for the ride...
- it demostrates a mine clearing op
- Karpal at breakfast thereafter
- little closer more..
- lol
- Lonely.. quiet.. darn!
- look incoming!
- LSVs for grabs
- LTC Eugene with the kids.
- making their way to the ride
- Man its cure crowded dudes.. got it dude?