« 2006
2008 »

- not to mention trees which grow right off the floor!
- Here we have few of the A380 super jumbo ready (TM) gating platforms aka aerogates on the B gates
- natural shade to go with natural lighting! perfect!
- ooo more seats!
- snappy!
- more of the largely unfinished Duty Free shopping area
- for ya who have a fetish for entry booths, heres more shots for ya!
- rawwrr I am a mean sliver sjytrain!
- lined throughout are also these spill-resistant back-bendy designer-looking seats
- some adorable dolphin figure cravings on the walls
- here is one end of the green wall
- the bulk baggage exit, pet elephants, donkeys and surfboards all come out through here!
- contrary to our moment of zen...
- I kinda like how this picture came out
- here we have our demo A340 docked for sizing up! (see how low the aerogate have to go down)
- note how vast the place is, not to mention a 7 floor skylit ceiling!
- few more facts of the day! huurr!
- if you ever want to relate to about anything being long and endless, come to T3!
- noticeboard rules for those who get a kick from reading all these...
- the demo skytrain in operation
- some of the fancy floorwork around the area
- here's the koi pond area, minus the kois who yet to move in that is!
- but come to think about it, this place is going to be quite cramped if three A380 are to be boarded at full capacity
- cheap signboard for very expensive people!
- theres always an excess of counters, to use the excess of space we get in the A380
- it will definitely redefine long and endless for you!
- the never ending road...
- the tour guide on the transit area
- here is the butterfly garden
- happy spaces for people with flags and ply cards!
- out at the arrival public area we have food & mainly tourist information booths
- note the perimeter unfinished surroundings
- new and shiny
- in a flash the park is full in quiet tranquility in the night
- KM also paid us a visit in the night
- the children ate the fishes!
- shhh! no that is what I don't think I think you see an escalator above us - photo
- another overview of the baggage collection area
- now you see it
- fine exquise dinning at it's best
- the deep water not only allows docking of large ships
- here we have the baggage out on the right
- being rapid, these are claimed to spin faster than normal carousel, adding more kick and flying baggages!
- the jetty is a popular fish & crab fishing point
- the sg-johor straits
- than to cannibalise the weight we had to carry all the while
- another moment of zen with the cool umm green wall!
- love how the sun lights up the sand in the morning
- now you don't!
- more goldfish blowers at the top